Thunderbird add a column displaying the size of folders in MB - thunderbird

Thunderbird version 91.7.0
I need to add a column displaying the size of folders in MB
It is necessary to add a contact photo to the body of the letter, that is, to display the sender's photo next to the incoming letter.


single layer/flatten pdf file ITEXTSHARP

My Desktop App is creating a single page pdf with itextsharp library.There are 40 Passport size photos with names under it on a single page.
I need to flatten this pdf page (with 40 photos) as one Image while creating the pdf,currently there are 40 individual photos on the pdf page.I presume it would create around 80 layers by default which would take a very high time on ripping this file for printing on a press.
I dont want to make all the 40 images as one jpeg externally using GDI+ and then lay it in pdf.
I have seen many options using stamper and reading the created pdf file to flatten.Is there a way while creating the pdf i can create a flattened file.
Your understanding of flattening a PDF is completely wrong. The concept of flattening a PDF means: removing all interactivity. For instance: you have a PDF file with form fields. The content of these form fields can be changed in Adobe Reader. When you flatten such a form, you take away the form fields and replace the field content by actual content of the page. The result is a flat PDF in the sense that people can no longer change the content of the fields.
You presume that having multiple pictures on a single page in a PDF means that there are multiple layers in that PDF. Your understanding of layers in a PDF is completely wrong. Layers is a word that is used in many different contexts. For instance, when working with optional content groups (OCG), people often refer to layers.
The concept of layers as you may know it from Photoshop doesn't really exist in PDF. Content is added in a stream. Whatever content is added first, can be covered by content that comes after. You want to pro-process the content by removing all the content that isn't visible in the hope that the PDF will be printed faster. You want to achieve that by replacing many different image objects by one image.
Your assumption that this can be done with iText is wrong. iText doesn't convert PDF to an image. This is outside the scope of what iText is written for.
If you want to add X images as 1 single image using iText, then you have to process the X images into 1 single image before you add the images to the PDF. You need image manipulation software, because iText won't do what you're asking for.

Outlook 2010 putting 1 pixel horizontal space between images in HTML email

I'm having a massive issue with something seemingly simple. I have a HTML email that I am creating. There is a section containing a row of images, some of them with links. Outlook keeps putting a single pixel horizontal space between the first image and the second. I had them in table cells, but even with the images simply in a row in the same table I still have the same issue.
The HTML source can be viewed here, where it looks fine in a browser - but copy and paste into outlook 2010 or 2007 results in the problem.
Well it seems that although Outlook's compose view shows gaps between the images, once the email has been sent, it looks fine at the receiving end. Even if the recipient is the very same Outlook client that displayed the email incorrectly in compose view.
Your images all need display:block;. ALWAYS use this in email unless you are floating images (which is rare)

newsletter: Image size for iPhone client

when I send newsletter with images exceeds 100kB altogether, iPhone mail client just show plain text and images like mime-attachment. Only if I touch Download full message button, newsletter shows as HTML.
But I dont see this behaviour in another newsletters.
What determined when image shows or plain text only?
Thank you

iText - how to move down the current contents in a pdf

I have a requirement to add few lines at the top of an existing PDF.
I have done this using a PdfReader and a PdfStamper.
In order to have more space in the page header area, i need to move down the current contents by 1 or 2 lines.
Below is from the forum. but it doesn't solve the issue.
How to insert content in the middle of a page in a PDF using IText
Any suggestions?
-i can not upload the pdf or the image of the pdf because am a new user
Do I interpret your question correctly if I assume that you really want to move down everything on the page and add some lines above?
You can do that by changing the media box (and crop box and what other boxes might be explicitly defined for your page) and then add the few lines on top the same way you already do it now.
You can access those boxes in the respective page dictionary which you can retrieve via the PdfReader. Look up the PDF specification for details on those boxes.
Or do I interpret you incorrectly and you only want to move down some text while keeping existing headers and footers in place? In that case Alexis' answer to the other question you refer to still holds.

use tableview as uitextview

i want to develop a application like notepad app of iphone or ipod. i try my level best to design a uitextveiw like a paper with lines but it has a lot of problems like background image does not scroll with scroll of uitextview. and does not reapeat itself when text increases the background image.
its seems to me that the notepad app use a table view for taking input from user how i donot know.
so anyone who can tell me how to design a view like notepad app.
use a tableview and then place text field in each row such that if the text field limit reach the maximum length the next row text field become first responder. and when user click save then read data from all text field and then save it where u want.
but the only problem that i am facing is when the user past some data then i am unable to show that data in next text field if the past data is larger than the maximum length of a text field.
hope this help others.