How to tell if a preference was activated or deactivated when clicked in android studio (java) - preferences

I am simply trying to know the syntax for checking if the preference from a switchPreferenceCompat was turned 'on' or 'off' when it was clicked. I have the onPreferenceClick() set up but inside it i want to say if () do this, else do that. Any ideas? (the preference saves its 'on' or 'off' status, so its not like they can only turn off when they are clicked once, etc.


restoring vscode settings to default

In vscode, there is an option to chose which language I'm going to use when I make a new file. I accidentally clicked do not show for this setting/UI but I want it back. I tried googling it but I can't find any solutions. Is this is even changeable?
If you are talking about this feature, it can be re-enabled by changing the value of Workbench > Editor > Untitled: Hint (workbench.editor.untitled.hint) in the settings.
But without that feature you can still change language mode by clicking the button at the bottom right of the window.

Can a VSCode extension trigger a function when a user hovers over a diagnostic?

Diagnostics show more information when hovering over them. I would like to trigger a function whenever the user hovers and stops hovering over the diagnostic area. Is this currently possible with an extension?
There is a new context key coming in v1.46 presumably, see editor hover context key.
which is perhaps of some help. I don't know how to detect precisely where that hover occurred though.

Filter toggle grays out workbook and only a manual refresh fixes

This is only happening with one workbook, all others function fine. I've tried live vs extract, restarting and reconnecting/refreshing my data source. Every time I toggle one of my filters, my visual is grayed out. Each time I toggle a filter, I have to right click the data source and refresh.
See Automatic Updates
In the menu bar, Worksheet -> Auto Updates, "Auto Update Worksheet" is likely unchecked which would cause the described behavior (or use the pause/play icon in the toolbar).

Modify Mozilla preferences from extension

This is difficult to research, because all the keywords are quite generic...
A Thunderbird extension that I just wrote warrants changes in Thunderbird's main preferences dialog, because one particular setting collides with the extension's function and renders the latter useless if chosen/set.
I would like to do one or better both of these things:
1) Untick a checkbox and change the state of a radio button.
2) Altogether deactivate a checkbox or a radio button.
I found the following code snippet, which might do what I intend (at least for point 1) above):
var pref = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
pref.setIntPref("dom.max_script_run_time", 30);
If it does, I still have the problem of finding out the IDs of the preferences I want to change. The DOM-Inspector extension obviously does not work on the open preferences dialog window... so how do I know which preference to set?
And how do I overlay the preferences dialog in order to deactivate widgets? Is this at all possible? Or can I deactivate widgets programmatically (as soon as I have their ID?)

Sql server mouse cursor pointer does NOT automatically go to the end of the line

This is a plain usability issue I'm facing. Somehow the settings on my version changed and when I click on the query window, the mouse cursor pointer does NOT automatically go to the end of the line. It instead remains wherever I had clicked.
I have checked Options in Tools, but I cannot find where this feature can be reset.
You've got the virtual space option enabled in your settings.
On the menu bar, go to the Tools -> Options, and then pick Text Editor -> All Languages and uncheck the Enable virtual space option.
Take a look at this screenshot: