Does VSCode snippet syntax allow optional parameters to a command - visual-studio-code

I recently started using a 3rd party extension for language supporting robot programming (RoboDK). The extension is pretty good but doesn't include many of the commands I would like to use and doesn't correctly (at least to me) handle optional arguments to commands. I'd like to 'extend' the extension to support additional commands (and potentially provide this feedback to the developer).
I'm specifically using ABB's RAPID robot language.
MoveL robtarget, speeddata, zonedata, tooldata \WObj:=WObj0;
For MoveL, var1 thru var4 are required but \WObj:=WObj0 is optional. The '\WObj0:=' part of the string is a constant (if supplying the option) and WObj0 would be a variable of the expected type for MoveL (a work object, in this case).
Is there a way to edit the snippets json to not enter the optional part unless I start typing a backslash followed by text? I also would like to keep the optional part in the snippet as a reference so I don't have to remember every optional argument as some commands have many options.
Here's an excerpt from the file:
"movel": {
"prefix": "movel",
"body": [
"MoveL ${1:var_robtarget}, ${2:var_speeddata}, ${3:var_zonedata}, ${4:pers_tooldata} \\WObj:=WObj0;"
"description": "Linear motion"
Which results in the code with var_robtarget, var_speeddata, var_zonedata & pers_tooldata all highlighted and the remainder is plain text:
MoveL var_robtarget, var_speeddata, var_zonedata, pers_tooldata \WObj:=WObj0;

Is there a way to edit the snippets json to not enter the optional
part unless I start typing a backslash followed by text?
No, I don't think there is any way to do that within the same snippet. You could make another snippet with the backslash prefix but that is cumbersome.
Here is a simple way to do what you want but you will have to delete any optional variables you don't want:
"body" [
"MoveL ${1:var_robtarget}, ${2:var_speeddata}, ${3:var_zonedata}, ${4:pers_tooldata}${5: \\WObj:=WObj0}${6: anotherVar};"
That last variables are also selected when you get to them. If you don't want any just hit Delete.
In the above demo I am just tabbing and deleting.


What does ${plugin::command} mean in NSIS?

I'm trying to figure out how to modify an XML file with NSIS. So I'm trying to learn how to use the XML plugin. The examples on the forum page often use the format ${plugin::command} like:
The documentation gives no indication that you need the dollar sign and curly braces. As I understand it, just plugin::command will do. So I've been trying to figure out what that syntax means.
The documentation says a $ is for variables and the {} are for code blocks, but I can't find anything about what it means when they're used together. My Internet searches have revealed that it's used for something called template literals in JavaScript. But what does it mean in NSIS?
EDIT: I should mention that the NSIS documentation does show examples of this syntax, especially in the Predefines section, but it still doesn't explain what the syntax means in general.
EDIT: Okay, now I see that the syntax is for the compiler to replace things using !define and !macro. But... what about this specific case? Is it valid to use colons in such a symbol? Why are some people writing ${xml::LoadFile}and some people just writing xml::LoadFile?
It's a !define. There is a header file for this plugin that defines it. The plugin probably needs to do more than one thing, so they wrapped a few lines together with a define that inserts a macro. Either that or it has some default parameters for the plugin call. Either way, it's trying to save you some typing with this syntax.

Notepad++ and autocompletion

I'm using mainly Notepad++ for my C++ developing and recently i'm in need for some kind of basic autocompletion, nothing fuzzy, just want to type some letters and get my function declaration instead of having a manual opened all of the time..
The integrated autocompletion feature of my Notepad++ version (6.9.2) gives the declaration of basic C functionality like say fopen and parses my current file user defined functions, but without declaration.
I guess it's normal for a text editor to not give easily such information since it has nothing to parse i.e. other files where your declarations are (as it's not an IDE), but i don't want either to mess again with MSVC just for the sake of autocomplete.
Is there an easy, not so-hackish way to add some basic C++ and/or user defined autocomplete?
Adding declarations the "hard way" in some file cpp.xml is a no-no for me as i have a pretty big base of ever changing declarations. Is there a way to just input say some list of h/cpp files and get declarations? or this falls into custom plugin area ?
Edit the cpp.xml file and add all the keywords and function descriptions you'd like. Just make sure you add them in alphabetical order or they will not show up.
Another option is to select Function and word completion in the Auto-Completion area of the Settings-->Preferences dialog. NPP will suggest every "word" in the current file that starts with the first N letters you type (you choose a value for N in the Auto-Completion controls).

Only autocomplete on an exact match in Sublime Text 2

I'm making a custom .tmLanguage file to highlight the syntax I'm using correctly and generally make coding with it easier. I'm almost done, and I got the autocompletion working using a .sublime-completions file.
There's just one minor flaw I'd like to change. I have a pretty long list of functions, and almost all of them contain an abbreviation of the word 'parameter', PAR. When I start typing that word, the following are all in the list of completions:
PAR command
DEFPAR command
JDATA command (because the description contains PAR)
SPAA command (because there's a P in the command and an A and an R in the description)
What I want is only for the commands that begin with PAR to show up, so from the list above, only the first item.
So, like this:
In other words, I want the completions to show up based on the literal string I'm typing, and only from the trigger part of my completions file, before the \t only.
That completions file looks like this:
Highlighted in orange is what I want my completions list to be based on.
I hope this is understandable. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is not possible. By design Sublime's autocomplete feature uses fuzzy matching, so if there are a number of options that all contain the same pattern, but you don't quite remember which one you want, you can type the pattern and have all of the options available. The more you type, the smaller the list of possible options becomes. This is a good thingĀ®, otherwise you'd have to remember the exact command you're looking for, which kind of defeats the purpose of autocomplete and code hinting.

How can I use a simpler link syntax in org-mode?

I'd like to have links with the syntax [[foo bar]] go to files with the name foo This would make using org-mode much more like using a personal local wiki.
Is this possible without breaking existing link functionality? I'd also ideally still be able to export to html, etc. with standard org-mode tools.
The best I've been able to do is something like: (setq org-link-abbrev-alist '(("o" . "")))
This lets me use the syntax [[o:foo bar]], but that is more verbose, and looks distractingly ugly inline. For example: The quick brown o:fox jumps over the o:lazy_dog. And [[o:foo bar][foo bar]] is even more verbose to type and edit (though it reads fine in org mode).
I don't have a ready made solution and am not a programmer, but this part is self-documenting in org.el, you can write a dedicated link search function. I cite:
"List of functions to execute a file search triggered by a link.
Functions added to this hook must accept a single argument, the search
string that was part of the file link, the part after the double
colon. The function must first check if it would like to handle this
search, for example by checking the `major-mode' or the file
extension. If it decides not to handle this search, it should just
return nil to give other functions a chance. If it does handle the
search, it must return a non-nil value to keep other functions from
Each function can access the current prefix argument through the
variable `current-prefix-arg'. Note that a single prefix is used to
force opening a link in Emacs, so it may be good to only use a numeric
or double prefix to guide the search function.
In case this is needed, a function in this hook can also restore the
window configuration before `org-open-at-point' was called using:
(set-window-configuration org-window-config-before-follow-link)")
See also Hyperlinks :: Custom Searches #

Is there a Perl equivalent for Emacs' ido-completion?

I've built a number of work-specific helper functions that could be useful for other members of my team&mdash. But I've written them all in Emacs' Elisp, and getting them to convert from Notepad++ is NOT going to happen.
So, I'm thinking convert the functions to Perl. No problem.
Except I use ido-completion all the time to limit responses:
(setq client (ido-completing-read "Select a Client: " '("IniTrade" "HedgeCorp" "GlobalTech" "OCP") nil t))
EDIT: ido-completing-read is similar to completing-read, except that all the options are visible, and can be selected via cycling [arrow-keys, usually] or typing-completion. In the example above, the prompt would look like
Select a Client: {IniTrade | HedgeCorp | GlobalTech | OCP}
selections can be made on the left-most item by hitting RET, or by partial typing (in this case, the first letters are all unique, so that's all that would be needed, and the matching item would become the left-most).
nil in the example is an unused param, but "t" requires an exact match -- eg, the user must make one of the selections. The function returns a string, such as "IniTrade".
My "helper functions" are for internal needs -- opening a particular error log, restoring a batch to the server, etc. For these operations, the user needs to specify test or production environment, client, stage, etc. In almost all cases, these are string selections that are used for building another shell command. If a numeric item is returned, that could in turn be re-translated to a string -- but since the selections are usually the required string, it would be nice if that step could be skipped. [end EDIT]
Is there a Perl equivalent? I've looked at Term::Prompt which offers up a numbered-menu... closest I've found. That's not as pretty as ido-completion, and I'd still have to convert a numeric-result backwards to a string (not a major issue; just annoying).
While composing this, I noticed I used the term 'menu', so did some more searching and came up with Term::Menus. I haven't tried this one yet.
Term::ReadLine may do what you're looking for, though it's probably more like 'completing-read' than 'ido-completing-read'.