What are the differences between Flask-Session and Flask-Login? - flask-login

This is a seemingly simple question, but I cannot find the answer. If this has been asked previously, please point me in the right direction!
What are the differences between Flask-Login and Flask-Session? Why would someone prefer one over the other?


Where can I find Simulink Projects?

Can anyone suggest me a site where I may found some basic projects for Matlab simulation. Thesis prjoects etc. Basically I need to understand best practices. I'm beginner and could not understand too much big projects online.
Your question isn't specific about what you're really looking for, but if you're looking for basic "how to" info, then the getting started guide is here, and a basic example of constructing a model is here.
There are also some other basic examples here
I am not sure what you are looking for, but maybe here:

Modelica SemiLinear()

Anyone who knows well Modelica Language, specifically thermo-fluid toolbox? Often there is a semiLinear() function, used to calculate the flow of enthalpy, as it depends flow direction.
Anyone who knows the details of this function, if we can remplace it by some simple commands?
Thank you very much!
I am pretty sure I already answered this on the OpenModelica forums... Anyway, the ModelicaReference package does explain it quite clearly.

Getting started with Lift

I want to learn Lift. Unfortunately, all documentation which I tried either obsolete, unreadable, incorrect or combination of the above. I tried the following:
Simlply Lift. Some things from the book I tried lead to errors.
Exploring Lift. The structure of book is very bad. It's hard to read and try out code in the wild at the same time.
Lift in Action. The same as the previous but you need to pay for it.
P.S. I've seen similar questions. Most of them were asked a long time ago. Did the situation improve from the time of that writings?
P.P.S. Are there any other type safe scala web frameworks (Don't offer Play 2.0. It's not typesafe. I don't see any reason to create it in Scala).
It is unfortunately true that the state of Lift documentation is uneven at best and there are huge gaping holes.
However, the Lift community is just full of awesomely helpful people.
My recommendation is not to play around, but rather to try and implement something. If you get stuck, ask specific, direct questions about what you're trying to do, how you're doing it and why it isn't working.
So far, though I would wish for better documentation, I've been able to get every answer that I needed either through Google or on the Lift mailing list - though I expect I might ask more questions here in the future.
The Lift documentation is not its strong point. The philosophy is more "try and ask if you have any problem". Here are a few tips:
One ressource that is really useful is http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/liftweb, there are a lots of examples so you can progressively learn how it works.
Mailing List
Otherwise you can always use the mailing list if you have specific questions even if in my opinion it is really hard to explore it fast in order to solve a problem which was already encountered. http://groups.google.com/group/liftweb
Stack Overflow
Finally, a small community is present on Stackoverflow so feel free to ask in here. This is a good way of looking for answers and creating documentation in the same time.
Source code
Don't hesitate to explore the source code and the scaladoc if you have specific questions/doubts about the behavior of a function, they are often short and even sometimes commented! http://scala-tools.org/mvnsites/liftweb-2.4-M4/#package
Have a look at the Lift Cookbook: http://cookbook.liftweb.net/
"Simlply Lift. Some things from the book I tried lead to errors."
What exact type of errors did you have? Have you tried to follow it with "Simply Lift" examples that you can download from GitHub
Only errors I had were related to my lack of experience with SBT, but that's another story.
I have started with Lift mostly from that source (Simply Lift + examples) and in combination with its great community and Google (ChrisJamesC has listed the main links really nice) it was quite okay for me.
I would suggest you to work out all examples given in the "Simply Lift" tutorial or at least work them out unless you feel comfortable enough to jump right "in media res" and try something by yourself. That was the best way of learning Lift for me.
Also, whenever you got stuck somewhere and can't find solution on the web, your questions would be welcome and answered on the Lift Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!forum/liftweb). David Pollak is very often right there to answer your questions directly so I have only words of praise for this framework's community and Lift's
P.S. Lift's documentation could be better organized, some stuff could be better explained for sure, but IMHO it was just too small a price I had to pay to enjoy such beautiful framework. Learning curve is steeper than with Play, especially in the beginning, but after I "survived" the very first week it was almost impossible for me to give up of all of its advantages and original concepts (Lift's "Seven Things") and switch to another framework.

Need help: Forum for Receiver Design queries

As much as I love this forum for my programming related questions, I am finding little or no help here. I am working on designing a Receiver for WLAN and have have lot of queries and I am looking for a forum where I can ask someone who are working in the same area.
I would be glad if you could suggest me where I can post my questions.
For basic receiver design, you may want to have a look at our sister site, electronics.stackexchange. Also, Signal, Image & Video Processing might be of help once it gets off the ground.
Also, when you're working in a specific field with which programmers in general are not very familiar, you have to explain your questions very well in terms that everybody understands. To give you an example:
In 802.11b, Barker Code is used for spreading.
is completely incomprehensible for me, and, sorry, I don't have the time to fire up Wikipedia and order textbooks from our library to teach myself the specifics of how WLANs work.

T-SQL query practice/exams/tuning examples

Can the community suggest some T-SQL practice/sample exams, and tips on increasing performance/tuning? This is for preparing interview. Thanks.
T-SQL 'exams' are tough to come by. There are a lot of concepts that you can't really grasp until you've used them (and usually after some very painful hours working on "weird" issues).
Depending on how advanced you're looking to get, if you'd like to really go nuts and see what you're capable of, look at http://beyondrelational.com/tc/ There are challenges that people compete in. If you're looking for more of a try/learn approach, do an older challenge and peek at the answer if you can't quite figure it out.
Actually, looking at the page now I see that they have beginner challenges as well.
An SO search for interview+questions+sql
To be brutal, you can't learn answers to questions they may ask. Either you know or you don't. It's easily spotted if they hire consultants too (I was interviewed by a famous MS bloke once, had a book or 2 of his on my desk) because they don't yet have in house skills.