I recently uninstalled PostgreSQL 14.2 from my windows 10 computer. When I attempted to reinstall I run into the error: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. The database cluster initialisation failed.
On the install log I find this error:
Executing batch file 'rad27DAB.bat'...
initdb: error: The program "postgres" was found by "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/14/bin/initdb.exe"
but was not the same version as initdb.
Check your installation.
Called Die(Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb)...
Failed to initialise the database cluster with initdb
However checking initdb.exe -V and postgres -V both return 14.2.
Before uninstalling postgres I had messed around with the console code page and from what I can find this could be an error, but I am not sure if there is an easy fix.
I believe this error prevents postgresql from being added to my services so it cannot run.
When running the unsupported-workflow command on Cadence 16.1 against 5.7 Mysql Aurora 2.07.2 . I'm encountering the following error:
Error: connect to SQL failed
Error Details: Error 1193: Unknown system variable 'transaction_isolation'
I've set $MYSQL_TX_ISOLATION_COMPAT=true . Are there other settings I need to modify in order for this to run?
It's just fixed in https://github.com/uber/cadence/pull/4226 but not in release yet.
You can use it either building the tool, or use the docker image:
update docker image via docker pull ubercadence/cli:master
run the command docker run --rm ubercadence/cli:master --address <> adm db unsupported-workflow --conn_attrs tx_isolation=READ-COMMITTED --db_type mysql --db_address ...
For SQL tool:
cadence-sql-tool --connect-attributes tx_isolation=READ-COMMITTED ...
I'm facing an issue in the JMeter run, where while running the JMeter using the docker it is happening. In the JMeter, it is working fine. But in the terminal, by using docker this error is coming.
Not using maven. I'm just running the below-mentioned docker command.
sudo docker run --mount type=bind,source="/home/user/Downloads/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin/",target="/opt/apache-jmeter-5.3/bin" jmeter -n -t bin/Assignment2.jmx -l bin/example-run29.jtl
This is the jtl file result that I'm getting after the run.
1621688749004,13,JDBC Request,null 0,java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'org.postgresql.Driver',Thread Group 1-1,text,false,,53,0,1,1,null,0,0,13
It looks like you don't have PostgreSQL JDBC Driver in the JMeter Classpath so you need to either copy the file (it should be something like postgresql-xx.x.xx.jar, the latest one is https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/postgresql/postgresql/42.2.20/postgresql-42.2.20.jar or amend your Dockerfile to automatically download this driver and place it to the JMeter Classpath, something like:
RUN wget wget https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/postgresql-42.2.20.jar
RUN mv postgresql-42.2.20.jar /path/to/your/jmeter/lib
More information: How to use Different JDBC Drivers
I was wondering if it is possible to run heroku cli command for resetting postgresql addon db as part of deployment Release phase. I have a node js graphql server application. All I want is that once its deployed, then run a heroku cli command to reset the database before running my migration scripts. I have the following Procfile
web: npm start
release: heroku restart && heroku pg:reset DATABASE --confirm <HEROKU_APP_NAME> && npx prisma migrate deploy
However I get the following error:
/bin/sh: 1: heroku: not found
I have deployed my first classic asp application to Docker container.now i am trying to set up db connection for testing.i have db connection test page but its throwing error seems like SQL driver not installed in the windows container.Can any body help on this ,is there any commands for installing SQL driver in the container. Find the docker file which i used.
FROM microsoft/iis:windowsservercore-ltsc2016
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN Install-WindowsFeature Web-ASP
COPY ./share/ClassicAspApp.zip
RUN Expand-Archive -Path ClassicAspApp.zip -DestinationPath C:\ClassicAspApp; `
Remove-Item ClassicAspApp.zip
RUN Remove-Website -