postgres trigger in golang using lib/pq - postgresql

Any working example of using postgres trigger in golang which takes rows modifies a column and sends it back. There is a notification framework but couldn't figure out how to return the modified rows
want to create this as a trigger function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_set_timestamp()
NEW.updated_at = NOW();
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Made it work like this
if addInsertTime {
triggerFunc := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trigger_set_timestamp()\nRETURNS TRIGGER AS $$\nBEGIN\nNEW.%s = NOW();\nRETURN NEW;\nEND;\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;", "insert_time")
if _, err := db.Exec(triggerFunc); err != nil {
return err
if addInsertTime {
createTrigger := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TRIGGER set_timestamp\nBEFORE UPDATE ON %s\nFOR EACH ROW\nEXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_set_timestamp();", tableInfo.tableName)
if _, err := db.Exec(createTrigger); err != nil {
return err


failed to check if row with value exists In Postgres with Golang

I'am trying to create registration in my Telegram Bot with Golang and Postgres. When user writes "register", bot has to check if user's uuid already exists in DB, and if not to create row with his uuid.
Here is my function to check if uuid already exists in DB:
func IsUserInDB(uuid int64) (bool, error) {
var exists bool
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE uuid = %d);", uuid)
err := Db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&exists)
return exists, err
Here is my function for adding user's uuid to DB:
func AddUserToDB(column string, row interface{}) error {
query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO users (%s) VALUES (%v);", column, row)
_, err := Db.Exec(query)
return err
And the logic for bot:
func (b *Bot) handleMessages(message *tgbotapi.Message) error {
switch message.Text {
case "register":
exists, err := data.IsUserInDB(message.From.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exists {
err := data.AddUserToDB("uuid", message.From.ID)
return err
return nil
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(message.Chat.ID, "unknown message...")
_, err :=
return err
First time, when I send "register", bot successfully adds user's id to db, but the problem happens if I try to send "register" 1 more time. IsUserInDB() returns me false and bot adds 1 more row with the same uuid. So, I think problem is with my IsUserInDb() function
Why not just a unique index on your users table?
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_uuid ON users (uuid);
Then you don't have to check, you just try to insert and it will return an error if it already exists.

(Golang)How to call function postgres output REFCURSOR in golang ("")

i don't know how to call function with output REFCURSOR in golang
My function
create function find_all_by_user_id(OUT rc_out refcursor, p_user_id bigint) returns refcursor
language plpgsql
open rc_out for
select *
from users u
where = p_user_id;
My connect DB
func createDBConn() {
config := GetDbYmlConfig()
datasource := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable",
config.Host, config.Port, config.Username, config.Password, config.Database,
Db, err = sql.Open(config.DriverName, datasource)
if err != nil {
but i don't know import param and call function
db := database_config.NewConnection()
defer db.Close()
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.New(constant.Exception)
sql := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT %s($1, $2)`, Config.Procedure.FindAllByUsers)
Thank you for your help

How to get uuid of last inserted row using sqlx in postgres

I am inserting some data in table using SQLx like this
func (*RideRepositoryImpl) insert(entity interface{}, tx persistence.Transaction) (sql.Result, error) {
ride := entity.(*model.Ride)
placeHolders := repository.InsertPlaceholders(len(rideColumns))
sql := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES(%s)", TableName, strings.Join(Columns, ","), placeHolders)
return tx.Exec(sql, ride.ID.String(), ride.DeviceIotID, ride.VehicleID.String(), ride.UserID.String(),ride.AdditionComments)
and calling this function like this
func (p *RideRepositoryImpl) Save(ride *model.Ride, tx persistence.Transaction) error {
return repository.Save(ride, p.insert, tx)
Now I want to get UUID of saved record instantly after saving this record . Is there any clean way to do this instantly ?
PostgreSQL has the RETURNING clause for this.
Sometimes it is useful to obtain data from modified rows while they
are being manipulated. The INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands
all have an optional RETURNING clause that supports this. Use of
RETURNING avoids performing an extra database query to collect the
data, and is especially valuable when it would otherwise be difficult
to identify the modified rows reliably.
// add the RETURNING clause to your INSERT query
sql := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES(%s) RETURNING <name_of_uuid_column>", TableName, strings.Join(Columns, ","), placeHolders)
// use QueryRow instead of Exec
row := tx.QueryRow(sql, ride.ID.String(), ride.DeviceIotID, ride.VehicleID.String(), ride.UserID.String(),ride.AdditionComments)
// scan the result of the query
var uuid string
if err := row.Scan(&uuid); err != nil {
// ...
For additional INSERT-specific info related to RETURNING you can go to the INSERT documentation and search the page for "returning" with CTRL/CMD+F.
If, in addition, you need your function to still return an sql.Result value to satisfy some requirement, then you can return your own implementation.
var _ sql.Result = sqlresult{} // compiler check
type sqlresult struct { lastid, nrows int64 }
func (r sqlresult) LastInsertId() (int64, error) { return r.lastid, nil }
func (r sqlresult) RowsAffected() (int64, error) { return r.nrows, nil }
func (*RideRepositoryImpl) insert(entity interface{}, tx persistence.Transaction) (sql.Result, error) {
ride := entity.(*model.Ride)
placeHolders := repository.InsertPlaceholders(len(rideColumns))
sql := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES(%s) RETURNING <name_of_uuid_column>", TableName, strings.Join(Columns, ","), placeHolders)
row := tx.QueryRow(sql, ride.ID.String(), ride.DeviceIotID, ride.VehicleID.String(), ride.UserID.String(),ride.AdditionComments)
if err := row.Scan(&ride.<NameOfUUIDField>); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sqlresult{0, 1}, nil

Temporary Postgres table gets lost prematurely

I use a temporary table to hold a range of ID's so I can use them in several other queries without adding a long list of ID's to every query.
I'm building this in GO and this is new for me. Creating the temporary table works, fetching the ID's succeed and also adding those IDs to the temporary table is successful. But when I use the temporary table I get this error:
pq: relation "temp_id_table" does not exist
This is my code (EDITED: added transaction):
//create context
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// create database connection
psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%s user=%s "+
"password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable",
c.Database.Host, c.Database.Port, c.Database.User, c.Database.Password, c.Database.DbName)
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", psqlInfo)
err = db.PingContext(ctx)
tx, err := db.BeginTx(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelSerializable})
// create temporary table to store ids
_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_id_table (id int)")
// fetch all articles of set
newrows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT id FROM article WHERE setid = $1", SetId)
var tempid int
var ids []interface{}
for newrows.Next() {
err := newrows.Scan(&tempid)
ids = append(ids, tempid)
// adding found ids to temporary table so we can use it in other queries
var buffer bytes.Buffer
buffer.WriteString("INSERT INTO temp_id_table (id) VALUES ")
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
if i>0 {
_, err = db.QueryContext(ctx, buffer.String(), ids...)
// fething article codes
currrows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT code FROM article_code WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_id_table)")
(I simplified the code and removed all error handling to make the code more readable)
When I change it to a normal table everything works fine. What do I do wrong?
EDIT 05-06-2019:
I created a simple test program to test new input from the comments below:
func main() {
var codes []interface{}
codes = append(codes, 111)
codes = append(codes, 222)
codes = append(codes, 333)
config := config.GetConfig();
// initialising variables
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// create database connection
log.Printf("create database connection")
db, err := connection.Create(config, ctx)
defer db.Close()
if err != nil {
// create transaction
log.Printf("create transaction")
tx, err := db.BeginTx(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelReadUncommitted})
if err != nil {
// create temporary table to store IB codes
log.Printf("create temporary table to store codes")
_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_codes (code int)")
if err != nil {
// adding found IB codes to temporary table so we can fetch the current articles
log.Printf("adding codes to temporary table so we can fetch the current articles")
_, err = tx.QueryContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO tmp_codes (code) VALUES ($1),($2),($3)", codes...)
if err != nil {
testcodes, err := tx.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT * FROM tmp_codes")
if err != nil {
defer testcodes.Close()
var testcount int
for testcodes.Next() {
log.Printf(fmt.Sprintf("%d items in temporary table before commit, %d ibcodes added", testcount, len(codes)))
// close transaction
log.Printf("commit transaction")
The problem is the connection pool. You're not guaranteed to use the same server connection for each query. To guarantee this, you can start a transaction with Begin or BeginTx.
The returned sql.Tx object is guaranteed to use the same connection for its lifetime.
SQL Server Temp Tables and Connection Pooling

Raw sql transactions with golang prepared statements

I'm having trouble finding some examples that do three of the following things:
1) Allow raw sql transactions in golang.
2) Use prepared statements.
3) Rollback on query failures.
I would like to do something like this, but with prepared statements.
stmt, stmt_err := db.Prepare(`
-- Insert record into first table.
INSERT INTO table_1 (
-- Inert record into second table.
INSERT INTO table_2 (
if stmt_err != nil {
return stmt_err
res, res_err := stmt.Exec(
When I run this, I get this error:
pq: cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement
What gives? Are ACID compliant transactions even possible in golang? I cannot find an example.
no examples here.
Yes Go has a great implementation of sql transactions. We start the transaction with db.Begin and we can end it with tx.Commit if everything goes good or with tx.Rollback in case of error.
type Tx struct { }
Tx is an in-progress database transaction.
A transaction must end with a call to Commit or Rollback.
After a call to Commit or Rollback, all operations on the transaction fail with ErrTxDone.
The statements prepared for a transaction by calling the transaction's Prepare or Stmt methods are closed by the call to Commit or Rollback.
Also note that we prepare queries with the transaction variable tx.Prepare(...)
Your function may looks like this:
func doubleInsert(db *sql.DB) error {
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`INSERT INTO table_1 (thing_1, whatever)
if err != nil {
return err
defer stmt.Close()
if _, err := stmt.Exec(thing_1, whatever); err != nil {
tx.Rollback() // return an error too, we may want to wrap them
return err
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`INSERT INTO table_2 (thing_2, whatever)
VALUES($1, $2);`)
if err != nil {
return err
defer stmt.Close()
if _, err := stmt.Exec(thing_2, whatever); err != nil {
tx.Rollback() // return an error too, we may want to wrap them
return err
return tx.Commit()
I have a full example here
I came up with a possible solution to rollback on any failure without any significant drawbacks. I am pretty new to Golang though, I could be wrong.
func CloseTransaction(tx *sql.Tx, commit *bool) {
if *commit {
log.Println("Commit sql transaction")
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
} else {
log.Println("Rollback sql transcation")
if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
func MultipleSqlQuriesWithTx(db *sql.DB, .. /* some parameter(s) */) (.. .. /* some named return parameter(s) */, err error) {
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
commitTx := false
defer CloseTransaction(tx, &commitTx)
// First sql query
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(..) // some raw sql
if err != nil {
defer stmt.Close()
res, err := stmt.Exec(..) // some var args
if err != nil {
// Second sql query
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(..) // some raw sql
if err != nil {
defer stmt.Close()
res, err := stmt.Exec(..) // some var args
if err != nil {
more tx sql statements and queries here
// success, commit and return result
commitTx = true