Issue with storing date value into a variable in postgresql script - postgresql

I'm trying to fetch first date and last date of month and trying to store the values into the start_date and end_date variables. But, it is not happening?! The output just says DO.
do $$
start_date DATE;
end_date DATE;
-- select the first date of the month
select cast(date_trunc('month', current_date) as date)
into start_date
raise notice 'The first date of the month is: %', start_date;
-- select the last date of the month
select (date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day')::date as end_of_month
into end_date
raise notice 'The last date of the month is: %', end_date;
-- show the first and last date of the month
end $$;


how can we declare a variable in cursor in postgresql

I want to store the result of fetch into a variable how we can do that in postgresql?
I also tried by creating a function it isn't working
code :
begin work;
cur_films CURSOR
FOR select CURRENT_DATE + i date_
FROM generate_series(date '2019-11-11'- CURRENT_DATE, date '2019-11-15' - CURRENT_DATE ) i;
fetch forward 2 from cur_films;
close cur_films;
commit work;
If you want to pass all values generated by your query to a function or procedure, you can aggregate everything into an array, then pass that array to the function:
l_dates date[];
select array_agg(g.dt::date)
into l_dates
from generate_series(date '2019-11-11', date '2019-11-15', interval '1 day') as g(dt);
perform your_function(l_dates);
But you wouldn't need PL/pgSQL for that. This can also be done in plain SQL:
with input as (
select array_agg(g.dt::date) as dates
from generate_series(date '2019-11-11', date '2019-11-15', interval '1 day') as g(dt)
select *
from your_function((select dates from input));

I can't subtract days from current_date parametrically in PostgreSQL

I want to subtract some days from the current date and insert it into a table. If I write the number of days directly into the code it works. So this works.
do $$
myDate Date;
myDate = current_date - interval '10' day;
insert into myTable (myDate) values (myDate);
end $$;
The problem is that I want to put the number of days in a variable to make it parametric. But I can't. In fact the following doesn't work:
do $$
myDate Date;
daysAgo character varying := '10';
myDate = current_date - interval daysAgo day;
insert into myTable (myDate) values (myDate);
end $$;
You can subtract a number of days (integer) from a date:
do $$
myDate Date;
daysAgo int := 10;
myDate = current_date - daysAgo;
insert into myTable (myDate) values (myDate);
end $$;
Date/Time Functions and Operators.
Alternatively if you need to do this not just for days, you can do certain math operations on intervals:
do $$
minutes int4 := 34;
raise notice '%', interval '1 minute' * minutes;
raise notice '%', interval '15 minute' / minutes;
-- outpus:
-- 00:34:00
-- 00:00:26.470588
This also works (with the make_interval function) but is more verbouse than Klin's solution.
do $$
myDate Date;
daysAgo int := 10;
myDate = current_date - make_interval(days=>daysAgo);
insert into myTable (myDate) values (myDate);
end $$;

how to get the next date for a day of month

thanks for reading, this is the situation
I have a current_date and a day of month, so i need to know what will be the next date for this day of month, having in mind that some month don't have 30 and 31.
current_date = '2018-09-24'
day_of_week = 31
Expected result: '2018-12-31'
Currently i have this:
create or replace function next_diff(vals int[], current_val int) returns int as
declare v int;
declare o int := vals[1];
foreach v in array vals loop
if current_val >= o and current_val < v then
return v - current_val;
end if;
o := v;
end loop;
return vals[1] - current_val;
$$ language plpgsql;
and this:
create or replace function next_day_of_month(days_of_month int[], curr_date date) returns date as
declare cur_dom int := extract(day from curr_date);
declare next_diff int := next_diff(days_of_month, cur_dom);
if next_diff < 0 then
curr_date := curr_date + '1 months'::interval;
end if;
curr_date := curr_date + (next_diff || 'days')::interval;
return curr_date;
$$ language plpgsql;
but for this calling:
select next_day_of_month(array[31], '2018-09-24');
i am getting:
Extra example
If i have this value
current_date = '2018-02-01'
day_of_week = 31
i will need the next month with 31th but i can't get '2018-02-31' because February don't have 31th then i should get '2018-02-31' because March have 31th.
if the month don't have the specified day must ignore the month and jump to the next.
thanks for all
Final method
Using Carlos Gomez answer, i create this PostgreSQL function and work perfectly:
create or replace function next_day_date(curr_date date, day_of_month int) returns date as
declare next_day date;
SELECT next_day_date into next_day FROM (
SELECT make_date_nullable(EXTRACT(year from n.month)::int, EXTRACT(month from n.month)::int, day_of_month) AS next_day_date
SELECT generate_series(curr_date, curr_date + '3 months'::interval, '1 month'::interval) as month
) n
) results
WHERE results.next_day_date IS NOT NULL and results.next_day_date > curr_date LIMIT 1;
return next_day;
$$ language plpgsql;
just add other filter in where clause and results.next_day_date > curr_date to prevent get the same or previous values for specified date
Thanks everyone for helping
Thenks Carlos you are the best
Gracias carlos eres el mejor :)
Your examples don't really match up but I think I know what you are trying to solve for (your first example result should be '2018-10-31' since October has 31 days and your second example result should be '2018-03-31'). It seems that given a date and a day of month you want to find the next month that has that day of month. To do this, I would do the following:
This function just wraps make_date to let it return null since it throws an exception if a date given to it is out of bounds (like February 30).
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION make_date_nullable(year int, month int, day int)
RETURNS date as $$
RETURN make_date(year, month, day);
$$ language plpgsql;
This SELECT first generates the next three months starting with the current one, then makes date out of them with your provided day_of_month and finally gets the first one that isn't null (exists according to postgresql.
SELECT next_day_date FROM (
SELECT make_date_nullable(EXTRACT(year from n.month)::int, EXTRACT(month from n.month)::int, day_of_month) AS next_day_date
SELECT generate_series(current_date, current_date + '3 months'::interval, '1 month'::interval) as month
) n
) results
WHERE results.next_day_date IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;
Hope this helps!

Get data for every second in interval

I want to write a query which will results value between timestamp at every second and if value for particular time stamp is not there then it should result zero.for example
Start date time - 27/7/2015 10:00:00
End date time - 27/7/2015 10:05:00
Then result should be
27/7/2015 10:00:00 10 [start date time]
27/7/2015 10:00:01 19
27/7/2015 10:00:02 23
27/7/2015 10:00:03 0 [Value not present in table for this timestamp]
27/7/2015 10:00:04 45
27/7/2015 10:00:05 0 [Value not present in table for this timestamp]
27/7/2015 10:05:00 42 [end date time ]
I am trying this query but not getting desired result
SELECT CAST(date_trunc('second', CAST(to_timestamp(t1.timestamp_col,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')as timestamp without time zone) + interval '1 second') as text)
, NULLIF(t1.y_temperature_col,'00')
FROM historical_trend_data t1
WHERE CAST(to_timestamp(t1.timestamp_col,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp without time zone) BETWEEN CAST(to_timestamp('28/7/2015 10:00:00','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')as timestamp without time zone) AND CAST(to_timestamp('28/7/2015 18:00:00','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp without time zone);
This is the Function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timestampwise_sp2(IN startdatetime text, IN enddatetime text,
OUT x_time_col text, OUT temperature text)
return query
with simul_data as(
SELECT generate_series(startdatetime::timestamp,
enddatetime::timestamp, '1 Seconds') As x_time_col
Select simul_data.x_time_col::text, coalesce(t1.y_temperature_col, '0') AS temperature
from historical_trend_data t1
LEFT JOIN simul_data ON CAST(to_timestamp(t1.timestamp_col,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp without time zone) = simul_data.x_time_col;
but it is not resulting the desired result
SELECT s.sec AS obs_time, coalesce(t1.y_temperature_col, 0) AS temperature
FROM generate_series('28-07-2015 10:00:00'::timestamp,
'28-07-2015 18:00:00'::timestamp, '1 minute') AS s(sec)
LEFT JOIN t1 ON timestamp_col = s.sec;
The generate_series() function returns a set of records in a sequence, in this case second intervals from a starting point to an ending point. That is left-joined to your actual data and any NULL values for the temperature are converted to 0 with the coalesce() function.
In function form it would be like this:
CREATE FUNCTION timestampwise_sp2(startdatetime timestamp, enddatetime timestamp) AS $$
SELECT to_char(simul_data.x_time_col, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS x_time_col,
coalesce(t1.y_temperature_col, '0') AS temperature
FROM generate_series($1, $2, '1 second') AS simul_data(x_time_col)
LEFT JOIN historical_trend_data t1
ON to_timestamp(t1.timestamp_col,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') = simul_data.x_time_col;
Note that this is a sql language function, which is faster than plpgsql.

PostgreSQL: month := interval '30 days';

Trying to delete records older than 1 month from 2 tables, where 1 references the "id" column in another:
create or replace function quincytrack_clean()
returns void as $BODY$
month := interval '30 days';
delete from hide_id
where id in
(select id from quincytrack
where age(QDATETIME) > month);
delete from quincytrack
where age(QDATETIME) > month;
$BODY$ language plpgsql;
but this fails with:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "month"
LINE 1: month := interval '30 days'
QUERY: month := interval '30 days'
CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "quincytrack_clean" near line 2
I'm reading the doc, but don't understand what's wrong with my declaration...
You need to declare the variable 'month', viz.:
month interval;
month := interval '30 days';
Also, you might want to re-examine your "where" criteria. If QDATETIME is an indexed column, I don't think it will use the index, whereas QDATETIME < (now() - month) would.
You need to declare the variable before you can use it.
month := interval '30 days';
But I would avoid using variable names that are reserved words or internal function names.