Import data from cvs excel file to DB2 (mac terminal) - import

I have a cvs excel file on my computer and I would like to import the data from the file into a table in DB2. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you

If you are able to connect to the Db2-database at the terminal, then you have several ways to add content into the Db2-database . Each method has different requirements (e.g. the type of the Db2-client, the privileges of your userid , the target Db2-server version and capabilities and platform, and many others...) , and you have to understand the requirements before you can properly use any of the commands. Most of these commands require the fat client of Db2 to be installed on the workstation. If your workstations lack a fat client and if you can transfer the file to a location accessible to the Db2-server then you can also use a stored procedure to run these commands at the Db2-server, but run this from your terminal, see ADMIN_CMD.
All of these options are fully documented in the free online Db2 Knowledge Centre, and each has many special command-line options to control the exact behaviour of the action. Therefore careful study is needed, along with careful rehearsal and testing. Stackoverflow is not a substitute for your education or your training. So it is wise to study the documentation before asking questions that are already answered in the documentation. Sometimes you need to study all the linked pages in the documentation and rehearse each option to fully understand how to use these things for best advantage.
Your options include:
The import command. Slow (logged), and flexible with many options.
Details here
The ingest command. Faster than import and also programmable. Details here.
The load command. Fastest but requires skill and experience to properly harness its power properly especially in high-availability environments. Details here.
Another option is to use external tables, if your Db2-server-platform-and-version supports external tables and if it has the necessary fixes already applied. This lets you represent a flat file (e.g. a CSV file) as a table in the database. In this case, you can use INSERT INTO target-table ... from your-external-table. Requires skill and competence. Details here and many related pages.


Export data from postgreSQL in SAS XPORT (xpt) format

Is there a convenient, open-source method to generate a SAS XPORT Transport Format (xpt) file from a postgreSQL database for FDA submission?
I have checked the FDA specifications, available at
These state that 'SAS XPORT transport files can be converted to various other formats using commercially available off the shelf software', but no software packages other than SAS are suggested.
The specifications for an SAS XPORT file are available at
I have checked OpenClinica (which is the EDC software we are using), PGAdmin3 and AM (which can import .xpt files, but I didn't find an export method)
Easy way? Not that I know of. I think one way or another it will take some development work.
My recommendation is to do it as follows:
Write a user-defined function/stored procedure for pulling the data you need for each section.
Write a user-defined function to pull this data from each section and arrange it into an XML file. TheXML functions are likely to come in handy for this.
Of course you could also put the xml conversion in an arbitrary front-end. However, in general, you will find that the design above forces you to push everything into set-based logic which is likely to be more powerful in your case.
If you don't mind using Python, my XPORT module can write xpt files.
If you have trouble using it, write me a note and I'll try to help.

Accessing non-public schema in PostgreSQL with Pentaho

Let me start by saying, what I know about Pentaho wouldn't fill up a single paragraph. I'm more knowledgeable about PostgreSQL. I'm working with some contractors that are building a set of monthly reports in Pentaho (v. 4.5) for my company. Some of the data needs to go through a ETL process and get rolled up for reporting purposes. From a dba(ish) point of view, I would like to move these tables into a separate PostgreSQL schema.
I know that Pentaho is often times used with MySQL (which doesn't have schemas) and I'm concerned this might cause problems. I've done some "googlin'" and I don't turn up a lot of hits on the topic, but I did find a closed bug from a few years ago - thus implying that the functionality should be supported.
before I do this, I would like to see if anyone knows of a reason this will fail or be a bad idea. (or if you've done it an it works great, please let me know that, too).
Final notes: I'm using PostgreSQL 9.1.5, and I don't have access to a Pentaho instance to even test this myself. And I'm hoping the good folks in the Stackoverflow community will share their expertise and save me from having to install one and the hours of playing/testing to get an idea of this is a bad idea.
I sort of knew this question was a bit vague, but I was hoping that some one would read it and share any experience they have. So, Let me spell it out more clearly and ask more explicit questions.
I have not done anything. I don't know Pentaho. I don't want to learn Pentaho (not that there is anything wrong with Pentaho... It's just not where my interests are right now). My company hired contractors (I did not hire them). They have experience with Pentaho, but with MySQL. They don't really know anything about PostgreSQL. There are some important difference between PostgreSQL and MySQL. Including the fact that PostgreSQL supports schemas (whereas MySQL uses separate database... similar in concept be behave differently in some ways). Some ORMs (and tools) don't really like this... for example, the Django framework still doesn't really fully support schemas in Postgresql (I know this because I use Python and Django often and my life is much better when I keep things in the "public" schema). Because of my experience with Django and PostgreSQL schemas, I'm a bit leery of moving this data to a new schema.
I do understand that where ever the tables are, they will need permissions to be able to access the data.
My explicit questions:
Do you use Pentaho to access a PostgreSQL database to access tables in schemas other than "public" (the default).
If so, does it just work (no problems)?
If you had problems, would you please be willing to share with me (and the Stackoverflow community) any online resources that helped you? Or would you be willing to detail what you remember here?
Do you know of anything that just won't work correctly? For example, an open bug in Pentaho related to this topic.
Again, it's not your standard kind of question. I'm hoping that someone out there has experience and is willing to share it here and save me from having to spend time setting up a new Pentaho instance and trying to learn Pentaho well enough to test it, etc.
Two paths you can take:
1) What previous post said ("Pentaho steps (table inputs, outputs, etc.) usually allow you to specify a database schema.")
2) In database connection, advanced tab, "The preferred schema name".
If you're working with different schemas, you can create one database connection per schema. With this approach you can leave schema field in input/output steps empty.
We use MS SQL server and I can tell you that Pentaho does struggle with the idea of a schema. Many of their apps allow you to select a schema but Pentaho, like you said, is built to use something like mySQL.
Make you pentaho database user work like it would be working in mySQL.
We made the database user default to dbo then we structured our tables like dbo.dimDimension,
dbo.factFactTable etc. Basically, only use dbo for Pentaho purposes. (Or whatever schema you want to default to.)
I use PDI and PgSQL extensively every day with a bunch of different schemas. It works fine. The only trouble you might run into is Pg's troublesome practice of forcing unquoted identifiers to lower instead of upper case. I soon realized everything was easier when I set the Advanced connection property to "Quote all in database".
Yes, you have to quote everything when you type SQL if PDI doesn't do it for you, but it works quite well. Haven't experimented with forcing all identifiers to lower case, but I expect that would work as well.
And yes, use the "Preferred schema nanme" as well, but be aware that some steps use that option and others don't. You can't, for example, expect it to add schema names to SQL you type into a Table Input step.
The only other issues you might run into are the limits of Pg's JDBC driver. It's not as good as SQL Server's or DB2's, but the only thing I've every had trouble with was sending error rows from a Table Output step to another step when the Table Output step was in batch mode.
Have fun learning PDI. It makes a great complement to your DBA skills.
Pentaho steps (table inputs, outputs, etc.) usually allow you to specify a database schema.
I did a quick test using PDI and our 8.4 Postgres instance and was able to explore, read from and write to tables in different schemas.
So, I think this is a reasonable direction. Hope this helps.

How can I see the call tree for SQL stored procedures offline (without actually creating them)

I have a huge SQL script which i need to analyse. It would be really helpful if i could find a way which can generate a call tree; ie, to see which all procedures are called from a particular procedure. a perl based example is here,
but i need a tool to analyse the text file (.sql file), not the procedure stored in the database. due to some reasons i will not be able to create the whole set of procedures in the database and use the above mentioned tool.
please respond if you have come across any ide/tool with this feature.
Probably not very helpful, as it violates your request for a "offline" sql file, text based parsing tool, but wanted to throw this redgate tool out there that I have used with great success in the past; RedGate Sql Dependency Tracker. It works very well and does a good job mapping out your objects and all their dependencies (definable as to what you want mapped). But it does require a database with all of the existing objects in place to work properly. :(
If you can't find one out there, I guess you could maybe do some script/macro text parsing if all the procedure calls are easily defined and predictable in the file. AutoHotKey is a great general purpose scripting tool/framework, and there are a few sql based scripts out there...just not one exactly like you are looking for that I have seen.

suggest a postgres tool to find the difference between the schema and the data

Dear all ,
Can any one suggest me the postgres tool for linux which is used to find the
difference between the 2 given database
I tried with the apgdiff 2.3 but it gives the difference in terms of schema not the data
but I need both !
Thanks in advance !
Comparing data is not easy especially if your database is huge. I created Python program that can dump PostgreSQL data schema to file that can be easily compared via 3rd party diff programm:
I think that this program can be extended by dumping all tables data into separate CSV files, similar to those used by PostgreSQL COPY command. Remember to add the same ORDER BY in SELECT ... queries. I have created tool that reads SELECT statements from file and saves results in separate files. This way I can manage which tables and fields I want to compare (not all fields can be used in ORDER BY, and not all are important for me). Such configuration can be easily created using "dump schema" utility.
Check out dbsolo DBSOLO. It does both object and data compares and can create a sync script based on the results. It's free to try and $99 to buy. My guess is the 99 bucks will be money well spent to avoid trying to come up with your own software to do this.
Data Compare
Object Compare
It's an opensource solution. I used it before for checking differences between differences in dumps. Quite useful
It's for differenting by schema only

AS400 DB2 Journals search

I am new to DB2 administration on AS400, could you point me to the best practices/tools to search for errors in the DB2 journals?
So far I use the DSPJRN command but I am unable to make research.
Can you describe what the "error" is that you are looking for. Journal records my themselves don't really have errors (I think).
I haven't worked on an AS400 for about 10 years, but when I did use it last century I did do some work with Journals looking for the change history of a row over time and found all of the answers I needed in the online manuals.
From memory somehow I think I wrote a export program to save the output of the DSPJRN program and uploaded it into a DB2 Table so that I could query it with SQL.
5=Display entire entry on a record
F6 Display only entry
F15 Display only entry specific data
From their you can get a job description: <NUMBER>/<USER>/<SYSTEM>
And from their option 4 or 10 to see job logs
The journals can be saved in files aka tables. You can create some programs/SQL to search these tables. On the iSeries one does not have other 'native' tools then the iSeries commands and/or some programming/quering.
I don't know if they are any 'non-native' tools. Remember that DB2/400 is really just one of the many implementations of Universal Database/2. I won't be suprised if a Windows or Linux tools can analyze the iSeries implementation too. They same is true for MQ. A typical iSeries command/menu interface on the iSeries itself (which works fine by the way). Beautifull graphical tools on other platforms that can connect to this iSeries MQ.\
On a second thought, a standard tool for the iSeries is the iSeries navigator. I will check this out on my work tomorrow