Are those VSTO CustomTaskPane actions in the specifications? - ms-word

I'm creating custom task pane on Word.
But some actions on this is different from actions on a form control.
Following actions are normal about custom task pane?
No action when press enter on button control.
I need to press space key instead.
And focus don't loop between controls.
Focus don't move from the control that has maximum tabindex.


Moving around pause menu UI with unity's new input system incredibly inconsistent

I've switched to using unity's new input system. I have a bunch of buttons in a pause menu that's a UI canvas you can navigate through with the arrow keys and it all functions as expected, only on some key presses. To move from one selected button to the next I have to press the arrow key anywhere from 1-10 times for the selected button to change. I have all the UI Input Module settings on default. I've tried messing around with the repeat delay and repeat rate to no avail. In the gif I'm pressing the same arrow key at a consistent rate of about 3-4 presses a second. Input Module Settings

Return focus to the Word editor after action in Add-in

We have a Microsoft Word add-in which uses the Javascript API. This add-in allows the user to insert Content Controls. Once the control is added, we want to return focus to the editor (Word document) so the user can immediately continue typing.
Currently, the control is being added with select('End'); however, focus still remains in the add-in until the user clicks back into the document.
Is there any way to return focus to the document and away from the add-in's task pane once this control is added?

Eclipse Plugin - How to get the last worked on editor

I am writing an eclipse plugin which exposes a view to the user with several buttons. On the click of any button, I would like to paste a certain comment into the editor window where the user is currently working and at the cursor location he is pointing to.
Once the user clicks the button, the editor window no longer has focus and the following code does not work.
How can I detect the editor window where the user was working and the cursor location before the user clicked the button?
Use an IPartListener to listen to part activation events.
Set the listener up in your view initialization:
(and don't forget to remove the listener in the view dispose).
Among other things this will give you part activation events:
public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPart part)
If part is an instance of IEditorPart then it is an editor being activated. So you just need to keep track of this activated editor.

select tab item on hover while in drag-and-drop operation in SWT

I need to select tab items from a SWT tab folder while in a drag-and-drop operation on hover, just like windows does with task bar buttons. My solution can be platform dependent (Windows).
Unfortunately mouse track events do not fire while in DND operations. I decided to implement myself the hover event. I get some mouse events with the dragOver event and I know that the area of the hover zone is the same as the double click area and can be obtained using GetSystemMetrics. However, for the hover delay, I can only seem to be getting it from the registry. It is OK to call some native functions, but the registry seems a bit too extreme.
Do you have any other solutions, or at least some API to find the hover delay?
for hover time see SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME in

Autohotkey - capture extra mouse buttons

Can autohotkey capture nonstandard mouse buttons? I use a five-button mouse (Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000).
XButton1 and XButton2 according to the documentation on
The following URLs show how to have autohotkey log all keyboard and mouse events, and how to look at the log autohotkey generates of those events. (special keys section)
Based on this, you can find out about all mouse and keyboard events by creating an autohotkey script as such:
Once you run the script, you can double click on the tray icon for that script, then go to View > Key History and Script Info (Ctrl K)
Based on this information, I figured out that my mouse driver is already redefining the extra mouse buttons to other keys. However, I can re-map those keys by going to Control Panel > Mouse, selecting the desired button, and using the "Macro..." option in the mouse configuration (this is a special configuration only for the Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 v2). In the macro dialog, I can define keystrokes for those mouse buttons to send (only one per mouse button). Next, I can use AutoHotkey to watch for whatever keystrokes I have defined, and perform specific actions based on those keystrokes.
You need to capture the scancode of the key and then use that. You can find a script in 5th post of this thread, written by Skan, which will allow you to do this. Just run that and click on the GUI with the mouse button you wish to determine the scancode. Then use the scancode in place of the normal key when you create the hotkey.
There is also a built in method of retrieving keys which is documented at the bottom of this page under the heading "Special Keys". Essentially, AHK logs your key presses and automatically records the scancodes for you.
To use the scancode as a hotkey, you just do the following:
SC###:: ;Your code here
Where ### is replaced with the code of your key (or mouse button).