upgrade Dyno Type from free to hoppy - upgrade

when i try to upgrade my free dyno to hoppy system gives "you must add credit card" but i already add it and verified. Someone can help me?
enter image description here
Best Regards


Crossed the July 20 deadline to Submit the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission declaration - what to do?

My current version app in play store has query_all_packages permission which I don't use.
I recently visited Play store only to find out that I cant update my app without submitting the permission declaration for query_all_packages
I don't use this package and am ready to remove it but how can I publish this update now as Google is not taking my update for review
Someone please help me find a solution
Thanks in advance
As per the comment from #Thanhal and explanations here
Try to complete the Data Safety section without going into sensitive API for QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES and reupload a new build, it will drive the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES away

Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later

I started to get this error (as an usaul customer, when I try to order some products on IHERB and other site). In 2017 all worked ok.
I found this artical
what I need to explain in the support of this sites?? They answered me that other people can buy via PP without problem. But why I m not? :(((
My error that I get from the both sites:
What I can do as a customer?
Any ideas?
I got answer from IHERB that it may be happens because my billing address in the PP is not the same as shipping address (my case).
Very stupid from my point of the view, but...
Even error not explain it, I needed to spend my time to find what the problem!
Error is address on paypal : 'address_error' you may need to fill out some address information and contact to paypal, there is no such code errors try sendbox to test your code if works follow the above instructions.

Satispay without specifying the phone number

I'm adding Satispay as a payment type on a platform but they need a phone number (the payment is based on that).
They have a JS script that shows a popup asking for the phone number but they still need one before opening it and I don't want to ask the user their number on my platform (I think is scary to give away my phone number on an unknown website and I don't think it is only me).
This is the documentation but I can't find anything about it.
Is there anyone who achieved that?
I'm Alessio from Satispay.
As you can see in the documentation data-phone parameter is not mandatory, here you can find an updated code example.
I've just get that my autocorrector changed Satispay in Satisfy ... anyway the Satispay's docs are wrong, you don't need to pass a phone number using the Web Button:
<script src="https://staging.online.satispay.com/checkout.min.js" class="satispay-button"
data-description="My Company"
That is the correct way to create a Satispay Web Button call. DO NOT FOLLOW THEIR DOCUMENTATION (not until today) BUT USE THIS CODE!

How to resolve this error - " One of the documents you are trying to access has been deleted, please try refreshing"? in Odoo v8?

Whenever I try to create an employee record in Human Resources, when I click Save, the above error occurs.
I checked in the database for any kind of ir-regularities and found that I have attached the screenshot.
As in the database error, the Autoincrement ID has been skipped as I have noticed.
Anyone with a clear insight on this, kindly suggest with what can be done. It would really grateful. Thanks
Create a new database if you can, and re install your module and try again.
Ok I am answering the question,
There was a custom module which I was not aware of(other than my custom module) and that was installed. UNinstalling it removed the error.

Utility for FIX to verify message

Anyone aware of a FIX utility available online to verify fix messages? ie: accept a fix message and check things like body length length and checksum.
There is a fix log decoder on https://fixspec.com. When you enter a message it is parsed and items such as checksum and body length are also checked. You need to register to access it, but registration is free.
https://drewnoakes.com/fix-decoder/ is a nice online FIX decoder that supports Checksum(9) and BodyLength(8) tags validation.
No registration required.
One that I know of is ValidFix. There was a link to it on the QuickFix website, but it seems to be missing.
There's a licensed tool called VeriFIX http://www.greenlinetech.com/products/verifix.php.
Pasting it incase if it's useful to you or others.