I am not having autocompletion for C and C++ on Atom editor (Windows 10 x64) - autocomplete

I really wanted to have autocomplete for C and C++ languages on Atom text editor.Then I came across autocomplete-clang. But I am still not getting the results (the dropdown menu which shows the methods and functions) which I was searching for, after installing the package.
I have installed Clang for Windows and added it to my PATH and seems to be running as I checked in CMD prompt. Then I installed the package autocomplete-clang on Atom editor. Its not showing the results.
Am I missing something here?
Does anybody have autocompletion for C and C++ languages on the Atom editor?
Is there any other way?


Cannot find Arduino IDE path. In Visual Studio Code

I wants to use Arduino in vs code Visual Studio Code.
I installed arduino IDE on my local machine on C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE I also added arduino path my Visual Studio Code's setting .json
"arduino.path": "C:\\Program Files\\Arduino IDE",
setting .json
I am using arduino extension.
This is the pic of extension
Any suggestion or recommendations would greatly aid me. I've been struggling to find a solution for this problem for 6 hours.
This was giving me issues for the longest time, too. It seems that the Arduino 2.X IDE doesn't work well with VSCode.
To resolve, use the legacy IDE (Arduino 1.8.X). First, uninstall the 2.X version of Arduino. As of February 2023, you can download the legacy version by going to the Arduino Downloads page and scrolling down to the "Legacy IDE (1.8.X)" section. There's a few different download options. I opted for the one labeled "Windows Win 7 and Newer" since it's a neatly contained executable to install Arduino.
From here, run the executable and install normally. I also reinstalled the Arduino plugin in the Visual Studio marketplace (not sure if necessary, but it doesn't hurt). There's at least three places you could potentially enter the arduino.path:
The one in YOUR PROJECT FILEPATH/.vscode/settings.json
The one in the VS Code User Settings (File>Preferences>Settings> User tab> Search for arduino.path in the search bar)
Same as above, but on the "Workspace" tab instead of "User"
For me, leaving all three empty worked fine. I believe that's because the installer added Arduino to the Windows Path variable. Here's a related post, though, where someone had to configure the path variable in case that doesn't work for you.

Command-Line Question.. I recently used start atom filename.txt to open a file in atom from my command-line

However I want to open other programs in the command-line, for example I tried sublime 3 and I got an error.
My question is where do you find what is the correct spelling for the programs we desire to work within the command-line?
The correct spelling for Sublime text is subl. I just googled "sublime text open from command-line".
Not all programs have command-line equivalents. For example I know Visual Studio Code installs the code command. But for a simpler editor like TextEdit you would need to use open.

Can I have multiple configurations of Visual Studio Code, one per coding language, each with its own plugins?

This is not a duplicate of How do I open multiple instances of Visual Studio Code?.
My previous question, How can I make Visual Studio Code's auto-complete suggestions appear more quickly? explains my problem.
I was using VSC with the PlatformIo plugin for embedded development for a few months with no problem. Then I started on Flutter/Dart and soon had a problem with auto-suggest being really slow.
It could be that I just loaded a duff plug-in (I am adding them back, one by one, to see if/when it "breaks"), but ... I am considering doing all development in VCS, so as to have a single IDE.
I am currently using Eclipse for C/C++ and PHP, WebStorm for AngualrJs and PyCharm for Python.
I had previously used Eclipse for everything, and had a different copy of Eclipse for each language, each with its own plugins.
Since I will be developing in 4 or 5 languages, even if I don't hit a problem as bad as I just did, adding plug-ins for that many languages into a single IDE will inevitably slow things down.
So, question: can I have multiple installs of VSC, each with its own plug-ins, and launch them separately?
I solved this problem on windows using vs code portable.
I created a folder at the root of my machine with subfolders for each language, inside each I put the vs code, then I created a data folder inside each of them so that the information was stored locally, I modified the name of the executables and added it to the path.
As an example, to access a vscode configured for python I put code-python . at the terminal.
I Have the idea watching this video, it may help you (it is in portuguese, but you can see more os less what it does).

How to go to definition of a function in VScode using ctags (from windows to linux)?

There is a big project with many parent/children directories on a Linux machine. The Exuberant CTags are installed and the tags are created using ctags. Now, I am using Visual Studio Code on Windows to load that entire directory. I have installed the relevant ctags extenions, but I cannot go to definition of some of the functions in VScode (on the Linux machine the ctags work fine in vim).
My specific questions:
What is the best (easiest, most efficient) way to do this (navigate through some codes that are based in Linux from Windows)?
How can I use the ctags, that are generated on the Linux machine, on windows?
P.S.: I think I should add some directories to my windows path or include path ...

Cannot read an m.file in Atom with octave although it works in Nteract

I installed the octave kernel for jupyter which works fine with nteract. In Atom I have the following packages installed: language-matlab, language-matlab-octave, hydrogen and Script. However when I load an .m file in Atom there is a red message for “No Kernel for grammar Matlab found”.
Open the settings pane in Atom and navigate to the packages section.
Next, get to Hydrogen's settings page by searching for hydrogen then clicking Hydrogen.
Scroll down to the language mapping section and set octave (or whatever the kernel's name is) to matlab for the language: