In typo3 news typoscript, how do I set startingpoint to current page ID? - typo3

In old versions of typo3 this code worked but in latest version v11 it doesn't.The problem is that "this" value defined as "startingpoint" doesn't return current page id anymore.
lib.pageNews = USER
lib.pageNews {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
vendorName = GeorgRinger
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
startingpoint = this
recursive = 99
templateLayout = 100
hidePagination = 0
#limit = 10
detailPid = 1075
list.paginate.itemsPerPage = 20
What is the "new" way to achieve this?
I tried to call that id in multiple ways like: TSFE:id, lib.currentPageId, TSFE:page|id, TSFE:page|uid, {TSFE:uid}, {TSFE:id}, getTSFE().id, .....

That is possible by using useStdWrap.
lib.pageNews {
settings {
useStdWrap = startingpoint
startingpoint {
data = TSFE:id


How do I generate multiple news XML sitemaps using sys_category

TYPO3 10.4.18, News 8.5.2
I need to generate multiple XML sitemaps, where all news originate from a single folder ID. They need to link to different news detail pages, based on different categories.
According to the documentation I need to use the extended sitemap GeorgRinger\News\Seo\NewsXmlSitemapDataProvider, it also states the following:
Single-view page for news from this category of a sys_category you need to use a custom provider.
It also states:
To enable the category detail page handling, checkout the setting useCategorySinglePid = 1 in the following full example:
plugin.tx_seo {
config {
xmlSitemap {
sitemaps {
news {
provider = GeorgRinger\News\Seo\NewsXmlSitemapDataProvider
config {
excludedTypes = 1,2
additionalWhere =
## enable these two lines to generate a Google News sitemap
# template = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Templates/News/GoogleNews.xml
# googleNews = 1
sortField = datetime
lastModifiedField = tstamp
pid = 84
recursive = 2
url {
pageId = 116
useCategorySinglePid = 1
hrDate = 0
hrDate {
day = j
month = n
year = Y
fieldToParameterMap {
uid = tx_news_pi1[news]
additionalGetParameters {
tx_news_pi1.controller = News
tx_news_pi1.action = detail
useCacheHash = 1
In the code above I can see that in pid Newsitems are stored, pageId is where the detail page is. useCategorySinglePid enables the category detail page handling. So how and where do I define what specific category should be shown in the sitemap? Do I have to define this using additionalWhere? The way the documentation tries to explain what needs to be done is rather confusing. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had this same problem. I tried to find a solution but with no success.
At the end I have something like this:
additionalWhere = uid IN (SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_local=14)
Where uid_local is uid of category. Resolved with help from Kurt, thank you.
plugin.tx_seo.config {
xmlSitemap {
sitemaps {
innovationen {
provider = GeorgRinger\News\Seo\NewsXmlSitemapDataProvider
config {
additionalWhere = uid IN (SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_local=11)
sortField = sorting
lastModifiedField = tstamp
pid = 156
recursive = 2
url {
pageId = 157
useCategorySinglePid = 1
fieldToParameterMap {
uid = tx_news_pi1[news]
additionalGetParameters {
tx_news_pi1.controller = News
tx_news_pi1.action = detail
useCacheHash = 0
trends {
provider = GeorgRinger\News\Seo\NewsXmlSitemapDataProvider
config {
additionalWhere = uid IN (SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_local=12)
sortField = sorting
lastModifiedField = tstamp
pid = 156
recursive = 2
url {
pageId = 160
useCategorySinglePid = 1
fieldToParameterMap {
uid = tx_news_pi1[news]
additionalGetParameters {
tx_news_pi1.controller = News
tx_news_pi1.action = detail
useCacheHash = 0

How can I correctly instantiate tx_news by Typoscript

I need to create a instance of tx_news via Typoscript, but when I set startingpoint or limit settings, the plugin is not show in frontend; without these options it dislpays all storage news.
I have followed documentation in and other pages. I am using TYPO3 8.7 and PHP 7.1
#Remove content in section
page.10.variables.noticiasGNFA > = USER {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
vendorName = GeorgRinger
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
detailPid = 515
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty := addToList(detailPid)
orderBy = datetime
listPid = 151
backPid = 151
disableOverrideDemand = true
templateLayout = 4
#startingpoint = 318
#limit =3
#Set new tx_news plugin in section
page.10.variables.noticiasGNFA <
When the comment of any options with hashtag is removed, it does not work. Not display, not show some exception.
If you are using a Fluid template, you can use the <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath=""/> anywhere.
Hope it helps.

TYPO3 - tx_news - Show related articles on detail page except current article

On the detail page of a tx_news record I also provide 'related articles' of the current article/record ... with the below snippet. But in the suggested 'related articles' the current record is also provided. How can I exclude the current article from the suggested list?
lib.relatedByFirstCategory.articles = USER
lib.relatedByFirstCategory.articles {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
vendorName = GeorgRinger
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
#relatedView = 1
detailPid = 97
useStdWrap := addToList(categories)
categories.current = 1
categoryConjunction = or
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty := addToList(detailPid)
startingpoint = 96
templateLayout = 4
hidePagination = 1
# added
excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews =1
News Detail.html
<!-- related articles -->
<f:if condition="{newsItem.firstCategory}">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.relatedByFirstCategory.articles">{newsItem.firstCategory.uid}</f:cObject>
excludeAlreadyDisplayedNews is your friend. Look here:

TYPO3 and sitemap_generator

I use TYPO3 7.6.10 and sitemap_generator 1.0
I see the sitemap.xml and it generates the map but there are not the categories and tags like "categoy/nameofcategory".
How can I solve it?
The code in template is:
plugin.tx_sitemapgenerator {
urlEntries {
pages = 1
pages {
rootPageId = 1
allowedDoktypes = 1
additionalWhere = doktype!=6
plugin.tx_sitemapgenerator {
urlEntries {
news = 1
news {
active = 1
table = tx_news_domain_model_news
additionalWhere = pid!=0
orderBy = title DESC
limit = 0,1000
lastmod = tstamp
url = TEXT
url {
typolink.parameter = 161
typolink.additionalParams = &tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[news]={field:uid}
typolink.additionalParams.insertData = 1
typolink.useCacheHash = 1
typolink.returnLast = url
typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
A sitemap for google doesn't contain such stuff as tags and description, so there is no need for the extension to deliver that stuff. Check the specs of creating a sitemap here. Google build a sitemap

How to communicate two plugins of News for Typoscript

I have to show in my single page: the single and the list of News with the same categories of single new. I have two plugins in my backend page and have tried to assign the categories of single to the list for typoscript, but i could not do it.
This is the code, i used page.x for debug and catch values:
page.100 = TEXT = GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news
page.100.wrap = The single tt_news id is: | = GP:tx_ttnews|cat
page.100.wrap = The category of single is: |
page.110 = TEXT
value = { register:newsCategoryUid }
insertData = 1
wrap = - Categories: |
categorySelection = { register:newsCategoryUid }
#show only selected categories
categoryMode = 1
It's not fully visible what you're trying. I think the best way should to put the cat value inside a temp object. Do you have the plugins inserted by TypoScript or as Content Element? You are using tt_news not news by georg ringer right?
temp.tx_news_catId = TEXT = GP:tx_ttnews|cat
temp.tx_news_catId.intval = 1
page.110 < temp.tx_news_catId
page.110.wrap = Category: |
categorySelection < temp.tx_news_catId
# you need to use data not categorySelection = {...} <- that should
# only work on constants
# but only works if categorySelection capabilities = register:newsCategoryUid
#show only selected categories
categoryMode = 1
(Untested TypoScript)
hope this helps you a little bit
PS: Have you checked whether categorySelection has stdWrap capabilities?
I don't really get what you want to do, maybe this helps a bit:
If you want to show in the detail action articles with the same category as the current one, you can use a snippet like this one:
Add this to the Detail.html which will pass the first category uid to the TypoScript object lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory.
<f:if condition="{newsItem.firstCategory}">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory">{newsItem.firstCategory.uid}</f:cObject>
and the TS:
lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory = USER
lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
vendorName = GeorgRinger
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
relatedView = 1
detailPid = 31
useStdWrap := addToList(categories)
categories.current = 1
categoryConjunction = or
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty := addToList(detailPid)
startingpoint = 78
I have taken this from the manual.