Typo3 : Get URL Segment ( SLUG) field in sys_category table - typo3

I have a TYPO3 project ( v9.5) and I didn't have the URL segment field to create a slug for my categories ( table sys_category) while on other projects I have this field.
This field isn't created by default ?
Is it possible to get this field?

This field "sys_category.slug" is shipped with the news extension:


Categories and sub categories for Strapi collection

Working with Strapi I have a collection 'Events' that has a category 'Music' and the subcategories 'Jazz', 'Funk', 'Samba'.
How do I create a taxonomy system as WordPress has for its posts in Strapi???
This seem to work for me at this moment:
Create category
Under "Parent" column there is now dropdown for each sub category
Create new category and select Parent category
I used idea from: https://forum.strapi.io/t/how-to-create-nested-categories-in-v4/16416
The feature is still outstanding https://github.com/strapi/strapi/issues/8708

automatically fill field name in fe_users

Is there a possibility to automatically fill the field "name" in fe_users from the entries in "first_name" and "last_name"?
Is it possible to configure femanager to fill this field in the background when the user is editing the fields first_name and last_name. Background is, that i need this field with a value in the extension seminars.

TYPO3 Extension Builder Integrate of existing table

I tried to integrate an existing table to my extension. The problem is that the content of the table isn't taken over.
I created a new model with the name of the existing table and named the properties according to the existing column names. I also implemented the corresponding getters and setters of the properties.
The name of the existing table is tx_institutsseminarverwaltung_domain_model_event.
How are you trying to "consume" or access the data from the other table in your extension?
Do you have a repository for the existing table (maybe there is already an existing repository, that you can reuse)?
See german typo3 board mapping existing tables and SO thread TYPO3 / How to make repository from existing table fe_users?
This question is most likely a duplicate of this question
The solution for this issues is:
First get the Typo3 query settings
$querySettings = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\Typo3QuerySettings');
Set RespectStoragePage to false
Fetch your repository
$theRepository = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\institutsseminarverwaltung\\Domain\\Repository\\EventRepository');
And set the query settings to your repository.

How do I add an index for the updatedAt system field?

I know you can add an Index attribute to a field of an EntityData subclass, which creates an SQL Server index. I would like to know how to do the same for system fields like updatedAt.
I would like to know how to do the same for system fields like updatedAt.
I suggest you could set index for updatedAt field in portal directly. And from this article, you could see the updatedAt field is readonly. So you can not change it.

how to populate Struts 2 UI select tag?

How can I populate Struts 2 UI select tag?
I keep getting the error:
tag select, field list: The requested list key roles could not be resolved as a collection/array/map/enumeration/iterator type.
Most likely that would be if your list roles is not initialized ( null ) .
Or another reason can be if you have not declared an appropriate getter .