Why there are many instructions with zero destination that not affectting the hardware in RISC-V ISA? - cpu-architecture

The first register is hardware zero in RISC-V ISA. It is used in many cases such as calling zero to another register, and jumping but not storing the address, etc.
However, there are many possibilities that don't change the hardware when the destination register is zero and we don't need those possible instructions because they are not used for any porpuse. I feel it is wasting the bits for other functional instructions. What am I missing in this issue? Why it is so?
As I know, the bits in ISA are expensive so ISA developers try to keep them as simple and compressed as possible to cover many different functionalities. However, it makes me feel the reverse because of many instructions that use the destination with the first register that is hardwired to zero.
I don't know if they are reserved for future usage or if the first register (x0) can be used without hardwiring zero.

One question the original designers were concerned with answering is: what will cost less hardware for a small embedded system? Having useless instructions like add x0, x0, x0 or even add x0, a0, a1?  Or doing something useful with those otherwise useless encoding?  And the answer is the former, to the question of what will take less hardware.
Another is: what will allow the most common (and also useful) instructions to execute as quickly as possible.  Decoding and add x0, x0, x0, or, add x0, a0, a1, so that it will do something different (from no-op) can slow down the useful add instructions as follows: while some of that decoding can happen in parallel (with added hardware), ultimately, the two paths, decoding add x0, a0, a1 and decoding a normal add a0, a0, a1 have to merge and that generally happens with muxes.  The more muxes that are introduced, the longer the cycle has to be, so doing that has the effect of slowing down the whole processor.
The designers of RISC V went to lengths to remove one mux from the decode phase as compared to MIPS, by keeping the target register field in a fixed position for both R- and I-Type instructions.


Orthogonality of Instruction Set Architecture

I am studying the difference between CISC and RISC recently, and I've encountered into the term "Orthogonality". After doing some research, my understanding so far is that there are two "axes", addressing modes & operations, which are independent of each other, so it produces a maximum number of (#addressing modes * #operations) instructions in the ISA.
For CISC machine, which is a register-memory architecture, operands may come from register or memory and RISC a register-register(or load-store) one on the contrary.
So, what's the role of orthogonality playing in these two ISA? Is CISC more orthogonal than RISC or vice versa?
As the wiki describes, "Modern CPUs often simulate orthogonality in a preprocessing step before performing the actual tasks in a RISC-like core. This "simulated orthogonality" in general is a broader concept, encompassing the notions of decoupling and completeness in function libraries, like in the mathematical concept: an orthogonal function set is easy to use as a basis into expanded functions, ensuring that parts don’t affect another if we change one part." What does this paragraph mean? What is the preprocessing step, does it have anything to do with the microcode?
Any explanation are appreciated! Thanks a lot!
Maximizing total choices of possible instructions like a CISC is generally not what's meant. Instead it's more about being a simpler compiler target, without complex interactions in what makes an instruction legal or not. RISC machines are often highly orthogonal, and designed with being a compiler target in mind, not human programmers.
My understanding of the term is that orthogonality is more about any register being usable in any case where any other register is usable. Unlike x86 shl reg, cl where variable-count shifts require a specific register. (I know this is a RISC-V question, but the examples of non-orthogonality I know of come from other ISAs, primarily x86.)
And definitely not like 8086 (before 386), where if you needed to multiply, one of the operands had to be in the accumulator, AL or AX. And sign-extension was also only available there. 386 introduced movsx reg, r/m8 and r/m16. (And movzx, allowing easy and more efficient zero-extending of a byte from memory into SI or DI, without having to load 2 bytes and and si, 0x00ff.)
Even worse, 16-bit addressing modes only allow a few registers in very limited ways: [bp|bx] + [si|di] + disp0/8/16, vs. 32-bit addressing modes allowing stuff like lea eax, [ecx + ecx + 3] to use the same register twice, or address memory relative to the stack pointer without having to copy it to the base pointer (BP) register.
Or if some memory operands can use a certain addressing mode, can all memory operands use it? AArch64 ldp/stp (load-pair/store-pair of registers) I think has fewer available addressing modes than single-register loads, because it needs 5 extra bits for a second register number. Unlike ARM32 ldrd where the pair of registers is two contiguous registers, starting with an even number.
In general, the less interaction there is between a choice of one thing (like instruction) and the possible choices for another (a register), the more orthogonal.
One of the major benefits with this is being a simple compiler target. The most optimal code can more often be found with a greedy algorithm that only takes into a account one thing at a time, not interlocking tradeoffs. Not like x86-64 "if I use ECX instead of R9d for this variable, that'll save bytes in multiple instructions not needing REX prefix, but later mean I need an extra mov to copy a register for a shift count". (x86 BMI2 introduced variable-count shifts that can use a count from any register, like shlx ebx, eax, r15d)
Or far worse targeting 8086 or 286, where 16-bit addressing modes impose a lot more constraints on register allocation. And you'd more often you'd want to use instructions that needed their operands in specific registers, especially the accumulator.
But if you're not worried about every byte of code size, x86-64 is a fairly orthogonal ISA, usually you don't need to care about which register you use for what. One change in that direction beyond 386's important changes was making the low byte of every register addressable, like bpl, spl, sil, dil as the low bytes of RBP, RSP, RSI, RDI. (But those require REX prefixes, overlapping encodings with AH/CH/DH/BH which are only usable in instructions without REX prefixes.)
Another example of non-orthogonality is x86's notorious integer SIMD extensions, MMX and SSE2. Want to do minimum of unsigned integers 16 bytes at a time? In SSE2 we have pminub for unsigned byte elements. And pminsw, signed 16-bit elements. But no other combination of size and signedness until SSE4.1, several years later, which filled in the gaps allowing signed bytes and u16, as well as i32 and u32. And then AVX-512 added i64 and u64. Every min available always had a corresponding max, but other than that, SSE2 was highly non-orthogonal in that and many other ways, including signed/unsigned saturating add/sub, and pack of wider to narrower elements with signed or unsigned saturation. And FP vs. integer shuffles, e.g. there's no integer equivalent to shufps that takes two elements from one vector, two from another, using an immediate control operand. Fortunately for shuffles you can use FP shuffles on integer data.
x86 SIMD is still not very orthogonal in many ways, for example in integer multiply where not all combinations of element size are available for everything; 16-bit has 16x16 => 16-bit low half, signed high half, or unsigned high half. (And a widening multiply and horizontal-add, pmaddwd). 32-bit has signed and unsigned widening 32x32 => 64-bit, and with SSE4.1 also non-widening. 8-bit only has a multiply and horizontal-add where one operand is treated as signed, the other as unsigned.
Again, if I'm picking on x86 a lot, it's because it's what I know. And Intel painted a huge "kick me" sign on their back when they designed MMX and SSE2, only taking some steps to fix things later with SSE4.1. (I'm sure there are reasons for some of those choices, including transistor budget and opcode coding-space in x86's notoriously cramped machine-code.) But a lot of programs don't want to assume SSE4.1 as a requirement to run at all, even now, over a decade since the first SSE4.1 CPUs. Most other SIMD ISAs are more orthogonal than x86, like ARM NEON or PowerPC AltiVec.
Anyway, in general, it's more orthogonal if all operations are available in all combinations of size and signedness that exist for any operation. This isn't always a big deal for compilers per-se, more for humans not realizing that a compiler could make their code faster if this variable was unsigned or something.
Modern CPUs often simulate orthogonality in a preprocessing step before performing the actual tasks in a RISC-like core
That sounds like they're talking about decoding to uops, but I don't see how that would gain orthogonality.
Unless they're counting the concept of any instruction allowing a memory source operand as being more orthogonal. Normally you wouldn't, being a load/store architecture is basically a fixed constraint that doesn't make other things harder.
But if you do consider that more orthogonal, then yes, decoding add eax, [rdi] to 2 uops lets it run on a back-end that separates the load work from the store work, like a RISC.
I hadn't heard this term orthogonal instruction set before, however:
The VAX is perhaps the epitome of CISC.  The VAX supports many addressing modes, ranging from register itself, to memory specified by various indexing computations (some including pointer advancement, so as to do *p++ or *--p).
The VAX allows all addressing modes for all operands of any instruction.  Further, the VAX allows both 2 operand and 3 operand instructions, so addl2 is operand2 += operand1, and addl3 is operand3 = operand1 + operand2.
Basically it can encode a lot of stuff in a single instruction, so we can do for example, a[i] = *p++ + b[j]; in one instruction, assuming a, b, i, j, and p are in registers.
Other CISC-style processors limit the encoding, for example, so that we can only do two-operand instructions (no 3 operand), and some even limit the 2nd operand to a register, so only one memory operand.  I believe this is what they're getting at with the term orthogonal or not.
Meanwhile, a RISC processor instead follows a load/store architecture.  Access to memory is not allowed for any operand, but rather only via load and store instructions, and only with those instructions are there addressing modes.  Most all arithmetic operations (except the add for addressing) happen between registers alone.  (In some sense the RISC philosophy has an orthogonality since all arithmetic operations work on registers alone.)
I don't think the term orthogonality is of high value.  I wouldn't dwell on the term itself, but rather take away from that article the comparison between CISC ala VAX, vs. others CISC, vs. RISC.
#Peter also makes a good points, such as that certain registers being hard code (i.e. an implicit source/target) in some architectures for some instructions, which reduces orthogonality.
By that point I might stress that RISC architectures generally don't hard code registers, though MIPS hard codes the return address register ($31) for the jal instruction whereas RISC V does not ($sp and $ra are hard coded but only in the compressed instruction extension).  Whereas some CISC architectures (except VAX) hard code more registers. 
The MC68000 divides the registers into two sets of 8: addressing registers and data registers, which helps encoding by providing 16 registers with only 3-bit register fields, but also limits what you can do with them (and there aren't enough address registers, since one is the stack pointer and another the global pointer, leaving only 6).
CISC architecture often support byte vs. word sized arithmetic, whereas RISC architectures usually support only word sized arithmetic, so if you want byte, you have to simulate it (i.e. with range check or other).

How to make simulated electric components behave nicely?

I'm making a simple electric circuit simulator. It will (at least initially) only feature batteries, wires and resistors in series and parallel. However, I'm at a loss how best to simulate said circuit in a good way.
Specifically, I will have batteries and resistors with two contact points each, and wires that go between two contact points. I assume that each component will have a field for its resistance, the current through it and the voltage across it (current and voltage will, of course, be signed). Each component is given a resistance, and the batteries are given a voltage. The goal of the simulation is to assign correct values to all the other fields in real time as the player connects and disconnects components and wires.
These are the requirements:
It must be correct, including Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws (I'm modeling real world circuits, and there is little point if the model does something completely different)
It must be numerically stable (we can't have uncontrolled oscillations or something just because two neighbouring resistors can't make up their minds together)
It should stabilize relatively quickly for, let's say, fewer than 30 components (having to wait a few seconds before the values are correct doesn't really satisfy "real time", but I really don't plan on using it for more than 10 or maybe 20 components)
The optimal formulation for me (how I envision this in my head) would be if I could assign a script to each component that took care of that component only, possibly by communicating field values with neighbouring components, and each component script works in parallel and adjusts as is needed
I only see problems here and no solutions. The biggest problem, I think, is Kirchhoff's voltage law (going around any sub-circuit, the voltage across all components, including signs, add up to 0), because that's a global law (it says somehting about a whole circuit and not just a single component / connection point). There is a mathematical reformulation saying that there exists a potential function on the points in the circuit (for instance, the voltage measured against the + pole of the battery), which is a bit more local, but I still don't see how to let a component know how much the voltage / potential drops across it.
Kirchhoff's current law (the net current flow into an intersection is 0) might also be trouble. It seems to force me to make intersections into separate objects to enforce it. I originally thought that I could just let each component have two lists (a left list and a right list) containing every other component that is connected to it at that point, but that might not make KCL easily enforcable.
I know there are circuit simulators out there, and they must have solved this exact problem somehow. I just can't find an explanation because if I try googling it, I only find the already made simulators and no explanations anywhere.

what is the meaning of semantic density per instruction

Can any one tell me the meaning of semantic density per instruction and how Register based architecture increases semantic density per instruction ?
I've never heard the term used before, but I would assume it refers to the complexity and amount of work done per instruction. Instructions like those from the AES-NI extensions found in x86-based architectures will do a lot of things internally when executed. Compare that with a classic RISC instruction that can perform an integer add with two registers with operand and one register for the output. It's doing very little internally when executed.
I'm not sure why register architectures would specifically increase the "semantic density". I suppose it's possible encode the operands with fewer bits, however the flipside is that you must use more instructions to get your operands into the registers in the first place. Stack architectures require more instructions to achieve similar behaviour to register architectures, but those instruction can be encoded with less space. I guess if you ignore the instruction size then a register architecture can do more work per instruction, but this isn't a very meaningful metric...

Different results for the same algorithm in matlab

I'm doing an assignment of linear algebra, to compare the performance and stability of QR factorization algorithms Gram-Schmidt and Householder.
My doubt comes when calculating the following table:
Where the matrices Q and R are the resulting matrices of the QR factorizations by applying the Gram-Schmidt and householder to a Hilbert matrix A, I is the identity matrix of dimension N; and || * || is the Frobenius norm‎.
When I do the calculations on different computers i have different results in some cases, may be due to this?. The above table corresponds to the calculations performed in a 32-bit computer and the next table in a 64-bit:
These results in matlab involves computer architectures in which the calculations were made?
I'm really interested by an answer if you find one!
Unfortunately plenty of things can change the numerical results...
For being efficient, some LAPACK algorithm iterate on sub-matrix blocks. For optimal efficiency, the size of the blocks has to fit somehow the size of CPU L1/L2/L3 caches...
The size of block is controlled by LAPACK routine ILAENV see http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node120.html
Of course, if block size differ, result will differ numerically... It is possible that the lapack/BLAS DLL provided by Matlab are compiled with a differently tuned version of ILAENV on the two machines, or that ILAENV has been replaced with a customized optimized version taking cache size into account, you could check by yourself making a small C program which call ILAENV and link it to DLL provided by Matlab...
For underlying BLAS, it's even worse: if an optimized version is used, some fused mul-add FPU instruction might be used when available by exemple, and they are not necessarily available on all FPU. AFAIK, Matlab use ATLAS http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/, and you'll have to inquire about how the lirary was produced... You would have to track differences in the result of basic algebra operations (like matrix*vector or matrix*matrix ...).
UPDATE: Even if ILAENV were the same, QR uses elementary rotations, so it obviously depend on sin/cos implementation. Unfortunately no standard tells exactly how sin and cos should bitwise-behave, they can be off a few ulp from rounded exact result, and differ from one library to another and will give different results on different architectures/compilers (hardwired in x87 FPU). So unless you provide your own version of these functions (or work in ADA) and compile them with specially crafted compiler options, and maybe finely control the FPU modes there's close to no chance to find exactly same results on different architectures... You will also have to ask Matlab if they took special care to insure floating point deterministic results when they compiled those libraries.
That depends on matlab implementation. Do you get the same result when rerun on same architecture? If yes, this problem may caused by precision. Sometimes, it is caused by different FPU (floatingpoint process uint) of CPU. You may try on more 32-bit/64-bit with different CPU.
The best answer should be reply by your matlab provider. Just call them if you have valid license.
According this link.
one cause of difference is that if calculations are done on with the x87 instructions, it get held in 80 bit precision. depending on compiler optimisations, it numbers may stay at 80bit for a few operation before being truncated back to 64 bit. this can cause variations. see http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/x87note for more info.
the gcc man pages says that using sse (instead of 387) is default on x86-64 platforms. you should be able to force it on 32bit using something like
-mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2

Matrix-Algebra Design Decomposition

I am looking at refactoring some very complex code which is a subsystem of a project I have at work. Part of my examination of this code is that it is incredibly complex, and contains a lot of inputs, intermediate values and outputs depending on some core business logic.
I want to redesign this code to be easier to maintain as well as executing a hell of a lot faster, so to start off with I have been trying to look at each of the parameters and their dependencies on each other. This has lead to quite a large and tangled graph and I would like a mechanism for simplifying this graph.
A while back I came across a technique in a book about SOA design called "Matrix Design Decomposition" which uses a matrix of outputs and the dependencies they have on the inputs, applies some form of matrix algebra and can generate Business Process diagrams for those dependencies.
I know there is a web tool available at http://www.designdecomposition.com/ however it is limited in the number of input/output dependencies you can have. I have tried looking around for the algorithmic source for this tool (so I could attempt to implement it myself without the size limitation), however I have had no luck.
Does anybody know a similar technique that I could use? Currently I am even considering taking the dependency matrix and applying some Genetic Algorithms to see if evolution can come up with a simpler workflow...
I will explain the motivation:
The original code was written for a system which computed all of the values (about 60) every time the user performed an operation (adding, removing or modifying certain properties of a item). This code was written over ten years ago and is definitely showing signs of age - others have added more complex calculations into the system and now we are getting completely unreasonable performance (up to 2 minutes before control is returned to the user). It has been decided to detach the calculations from the user actions and provide a button to "recalculate" the values.
My problem arises because there are so many calculations that are going on and they are based on the assumption that all of the required data will be available for their computation - now when I try to re-implement the calculations I keep encountering problems because I haven't got the result for a different calculation that this calculation relies on.
This is where I want to use the matrix-decomposition approach. The MD approach allows me to specify all of the inputs and outputs and gives me the "simplest" workflow that I can use for generating all of the outputs.
I can then use this "workflow" to know the precedence of the calculations I need to perform to get the same result without generating any exceptions. It also shows me which parts of the calculation system I can parallelise and where the fork and join points will be (I won't worry about that part just yet). At the moment all I have is an insanely large matrix with lots of dependencies showing in it, with no idea where to start.
I will elaborate from my comment a little more:
I don't want to use the solution from the EA process in the actual program. I want to take the dependency matrix and decompose it into modules that I will then code manually - this is purely a design aid - I am just interested in what the inputs/outputs for these modules will be. Basically a representation of the complex interdependencies between these calculations, as well as some idea of precedence.
Say I have A requires B and C. D requires A and E. F requires B, A and E, I want to effectively partition the problem space from a complex set of dependencies into a "workflow" that I can examine to get a better understanding. Once I have this understanding I can come up with a better design / implementation that is still human readable, so for the example I know I need to calculate A, then C, then D, then F.
I know this seems kind of strange, if you take a look at the website I linked to before the matrix based decomposition there should give you some understanding of what I am thinking of...
kquinn, If it's the piece of code I think he's referring to (I used to work there), it's already a black box solution that no human can understand as is. He's not looking to make it more complicated, less in fact. What he's trying to achieve is a whole heap of interlinked calculations.
What currently happens, is that whenever anything changes, it's an avalanche of events which cause a whole bunch of calculations to fire off, which in turn causes a whole bunch more events which continues on until finally it reaches a state of equilibrium.
What I assume he wants to do is find the dependencies for those outlying calculations and work in from there so they can be rewritten and find a way for the calculations from happening for the sake of it, rather than because they need to.
I can't offer much advice in regards to simplifying the graph, as unfortunately it's not something I have much experience in. That said, I would start looking for those outlying calculations which have no dependencies, and just traverse the graph from there. Start building up a new framework that includes the core business logic of each calculation in the simplest possible way, and refactor the crap out of it along the way.
If this is, as you say, "core business logic", then you really don't want to be screwing around with fancy decompositions and evolutionary algorithms that produce a "black box" solution that no one in the world understands or is capable of modifying. I would be very surprised if any of these techniques actually yielded any useful result; the human brain is still incomprehensibly more capable than any machine at untangling complicated relationships.
What you want to do is traditional refactoring: clean up the individual procedures, streamlining them and merging them where possible. Your goal is to make the code clear, so your successor doesn't have to go through the same process.
What language are you using?
Your problem should be pretty easy to model using Java Executors and Future<> tasks, but a similar framework is perhaps availabe on your chosen platform as well?
Also, if I understand this correctly, you want to generate a critical path for a large set of interdependent calculations -- is that something done dynamically, or do you "just" need a static analysis?
Regarding an algorithmic solution; pick up the closest copy of your numerical analysis textbook and refresh your memory on singular value decompositions and LU factorization; I'm guessing from the top off my head that this is what lies behind the tool you linked to.
EDIT: Since you're using Java, I'll give a brief outline of a suggestion proposal:
-> Use a threadpool executor to parallellize all calculations easily
-> Solve interdependencies with an object map of Future<> or FutureTask<>:s, i.e. if you variables are A, B and C, where A = B + C, do something like this:
static final Map<String, FutureTask<Integer>> mapping = ...
static final ThreadPoolExecutor threadpool = ...
FutureTask<Integer> a = new FutureTask<Integer>(new Callable<Integer>() {
public Integer call() {
Integer b = mapping.get("B").get();
Integer c = mapping.get("C").get();
return b + c;
FutureTask<Integer> b = new FutureTask<Integer>(...);
FutureTask<Integer> c = new FutureTask<Integer>(...);
map.put("A", a);
map.put("B", a);
map.put("C", a);
for ( FutureTask<Integer> task : map.values() )
Now, if I'm not totally off (and I may very well be, it was a while since I worked in Java), you should be able to solve the apparent deadlock problem by tuning the thread pool size, or use a growing thread pool. (You still have to make sure that there are no interdependent tasks though, such as if A = B + C, and B = A + 1...)
If the black-box is linear you can discover all the coefficients by simply concatenating many vectors of input and many vectors of output.
you have input x[i] and output y[i], then you create a matrix Y whose columns are y[0], y[1], ... y[n], and a matrix X whose columns are x[0], x[1], ..., x[n]. There will be a transformation Y = T * X, then you may determine T = Y * inverse(X).
But since you said it is complex I bet it is not linear. Then if you still want a general framework you can use this a factor-graph
I would be curious if you can do this.
What I think is easier is to understand the code and rewrite it using the best practices.