change website from to typo3 webserver - typo3

First: i am kind of a beginner in web administration. Please be patient ;)
I got a cloned VM from a server with a typo3 website on. i want to make it a test server to test updates and stuff before trying it on the real site.
I want the typo3 website to use instead of its normal url, but i am not sure where i need to change stuff in order for typo3 to work correctly.
what i did so far:
renamed the folder under /var/www/ to
change entries in /etc/hosts
But i am quite sure i need to change some config files too. Typo3 Version is 9.5
I found this:
TYPO3 How to change the name of a TYPO3 website
But i think thats not what i need?
Thank you in advance.

The URL for the website is defined in the site configuration, see here.
You should modify the entry point as shown in the second image of the documentation (2) or just use the slash "/".
In your example you should use "". Please keep in mind not forget the slash "/" after the domain.


Typolinks target not working after upgrade to typo3 8.7.20

after upgrading from Typo3 7.6.30 to 8.7.20 my typolinks are not working correctly. The resulting links in the website have _blank as target.
No matter if the links are internal links or external links.
maybe something lets TYPO3 think you always have external URLs.
what is your domain definition, absRefPrefix, baseURL?
have you a clean https-handling?

TYPO3 - display one page from pagetree only

I have a problem whose solution is certainly very simple, but it does not come to my mind at the moment :/
I have a multi-domain TYPO3 (6.1) installation and in one of the websites I need to temporarily show only one subpage, and over the rest of the pages I will work/update so I can not delete them. It is important that someone after entering a URL or going to the page from the Google search results has not opened this page, and has been redirected to this temporary.
I've tried the mount points but something does not work ...
Please help.
You can exchange the domain-records.
Make a new page on it's own (independent from the configuration of the domain it should replace). so it is a root-page. give it a domain record and disable the domain record of the pagetree it should replace.
Be aware to change the rootpageid configuration in realurl.
You also may need a special configuration for 404 handling for this domain as the most requests will be a 404 (or better 503).
And hurry up to update your system. TYPO3 6.1 is out of service for a long time.

Where is the zend logic for deciding controller?

Ive inherited a project created using Zend.
I need to move the site to a new server, same platform but with a new base URL and domain.
Currently if I go to the first page of the site will be correctly pulled up. No other pages work.
On the old site, the url convention worked like this:
So for example the index page could be pulled up by going to
Im sure this is a simple issue of changing some path or setting (the include path, application path and application environment are dynamically generated and appear to be correct) but I have not been able to find anything.
Where does zend decide what controller to include? Is this url convention of using the subdomain to determine the controller standard and if not any hints as to where this logic might be?

Creating a new page template in Typo3

I'm using Typo3 for the first time and have been asked to update a site built on it.
Making changes to existing templates so far has been OK since they were mainly CSS changes or replacing images. Now though I need to create a couple of new page templates.
What's the easiest way to go about this? The existing site has a home.html and layout.hmlt in the fileadmin directory. Do I need to create a new html file there, if so how do I use this as a new template for some of my pages?
I'm coming from a mainly WordPress background in terms of CMS (I've nearly given in a recoded the site as a WordPress site since I think it would be quicker at this stage) but I'd really prefer to figure this out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm pulling my hair out trying to read through the documentation and getting nowhere. The site is using Typo3 version 4.4.6
How you add a new template to your page depends on how templating is handled. Sadly TYPO3 has a poor templating out of the box, so there is most likely an extension that does the job on your site.
Probably one of these:
flux & fluidpages
Check if one of these extension is installed and add a new page template according to the extensions manual or specify your question afterwards.
If plain TYPO3 was used, you'll find something like
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
file = fileadmin/myTemplate.html
in your Typoscript. You can add tmplate files like the ones that are already there. To use a different template on a page, you have to replace the page.10.file with the template you want to use. This can be done with a new template record (crated in backend via the template module). But this is a rather anoying procedure to change the template, because you have to create each time you want to change the page template for a page and its children. That is why mostly extensions are used for this.
The out of the box situation gets better with newer TYPO3 versions but in 4.4.6 there are no Backend Layouts that could be uses for a template switch ot something like that.
In Addition to change the mere file you have to adjust the subparts or marker that are filled with the content. You'll find that configured in your TypoScript as well

TYPO3 does not resolve url correctly

I'm pretty new to TYPO3 and currently stuck with the following issue:
I copied the templates from another webpage that is currently in business.
When I'm on the startpage of my homepage ( and click on one of the links it contains I always get an error 404. The link that is generated looks like this.
So I guess something like RealUrl was in use on the webpage that I copied from? Do I understand this right? I don't see that RealUrl is installed though.
However If i manually change this link to
the site is being created.
How does Typo3 know to generate a page when it receives the first version of these two links?
Does not really look like a standard out-of-the-box REAL URL url. That would rather have been /testpage-404.html . So maybe the problem is somewhere else, could be:
simulate static (check if that extension is running). A common mistake is to run real url an simulate static at the same time. If you do not need speaking urls for the moment, just uninstall simulate static.
make sure you add a domain to your shortcut. Use the the list modul and select the root shortcut. Then click create new record, select domain. and enter your domain there. Flush all the caches and try again.
If you'd post your TS Code (of the root shortcut page) here, I could probably tell what's going wrong.
real url configuration typically use .htaccess files.. maybe that file still contains information from the original destination.
check if the root ts contains some baseUrl statement
Which version of TYPO3 are you using?
HTH, but feel free to post more infos.
If your typoscript template is expecting to find realurl and its not installed as a plugin, that could be the cause. You'll need to either install it, or find the settings in the TS template and remove them.
Try the template object browser to look for it (use the template tool, click to the site root, then use the drop down menu in the r/h pane to choose the Template Obect Browser.)
How does Typo3 know to generate a page when
it receives the first version of these two links?
Any page request that it doesn't understand will give a 404 error.