A "While printing" formula can not be used to group Crystal Clear - crystal-reports

I am working on a report where I created a formula to add 5 different totals of 5 different formulas to give a grand total.
Example: (all these formulas have different calculations)
Formula Total_1 [x1+y1 = 50]
Formula Total_1 [x1+y1 = 50]
Formula Total_2 [x2+y2 = 10]
Formula Total_3 [x3+y3 = 20]
Formula Total_4 [x4+y4 = 10]
Formula Total_5 [x5+y5 =10]
Then I created another formula
[Grand_total= Total_1 + Total_2 + Total_3 +Total_4 +Total_5]
However now I want to sort my records in descending order of the value of the [Grand_total Formula.]
But I get an error saying A "While printing" formula can not be used .
What can I do to get around this?


Crystal Report sum by column

The Problem
This is the problem with my crystal report, I need to sum values from different columns with the same name.
Create a formula for each material that, depending on what position it is, returns the value for it.
For example, 1210P_Kg could follow the logic of:
IF {Material 1} = "1210P" Then {Material 1_Kg}
Else IF {Material 2} = "1210P" Then {Material 2_Kg}
Else IF {Material 3] = "1210P" Then {Material 3_Kg}
Then, show the sum of each of these formulas in a footer section.
A more powerful solution would be to use a UNION view, command, or SP to turn each record into 3 records with Material, Kg, etc.

Crystal reports formula using variables

I need a formula like this:
if {#TarSale_TimeWise}= 0 or isnull({#TarSale_TimeWise}) then '-'
Here the formula for {#TarSale_TimeWise} is
Similarly the formula for {#ActSale_TimeWise} is
I need to take rounding as 1 for both the fields and then I need to do the calculation for var sale with values round as 1 for both the formulas.
Now instead of creating this below 2 formulas and using those in 3rd formula I want to create only one formula using variables.
How can I modify above formulas as 1 formula?
Create only one formula and write below code:
Local Numbervar a1:=round({CatTimeWise.tarSale},1) ;
Local NumberVar a2:=round({CatTimeWise.ActSale},1) ;
if a1= 0 or isnull(a1) then '-'
If Isnull({CatTimeWise.tarSale}) Or {CatTimeWise.tarSale}=0 Then
ToText( Round( (({CatTimeWise.ActSale} - {CatTimeWise.tarSale}) / {CatTimeWise.tarSale}*100), 1), 1 )

Calculation of Previous field

New to CR and use CR v10 and SQL Server 2000.
For the first record i.e Beginning Balance , the calculation is sum(field) from the input date, which I have calculated in SP as BegDateSum
But for the rest of the records under a group, the calculation should be previous(balance)+IN+OUT
Sample has been given:
Date Doc Descrip IN OUT Balance
Group Header-------- Beginning Balance-------------- 50 <---- sum(field) from my inputdate
3/2/2012 A -1 0 49 <-- (50+(-1)+0)
4/2/2012 B -2 0 47 <-- (49+(-2)+0)
5/2/2012 C 0 3 50
6/2/2012 D -2 3 51
How do I achieve this?
I am not sure whether to use running total, in case I have to how to do it.
A running total field won't work in this case, they are designed to add up (or count, or average, etc) one field and give you the sub-totals automatically. But, we can do some custom functions that will give the results you need. Assuming that your initial 50 is a static value, you would set a variable to that amount, and then add the IN and OUT values as you go along (printing that result of that).
First, initialize the value in the report header with a formula like:
Global NumberVar Balance;
Balance := 50;
""; //print nothing on the screen
Then, the formula to calculate and show the new balance, in the bar where the data is:
Global NumberVar Balance;
Balance := Balance + {tableName.IN} + {tableName.OUT};
The last line both calculates the new value, and tells what the result of the formula should be.
If the "50" is calculated somehow, then that will have to be done before the formula that calculates the new balance. If it is based off of the first record read in, you'll want to use a formula that includes If PreviousIsNull({tableName.Balance}) Then ..., that is usually a good indicator of the first record in the data set (unless that field can be null).

Sumifs in Crystal

I'm working on a database that basically looks like this (in its simplest form):
{Phase} {Code} {Qty}
{Qty} for {Phase}="R" and {Code}="Nat" = 0
{Qty} for {Phase}="F" and {Code}="Nat" = 5
{Qty} for {Phase}="R" and {Code}="Int" = 10
{Qty} for {Phase}="F" and {Code}="Int" = 15
I am trying to get a result to show me the Qty for phase "R" and Code "Nat" (where R is <> 0) otherwise give me the qty for phase "F". So for the above example I would get an answer = 5 for Nat (because qty for phase R is 0) and an answer of 10 where the code is Int (because qty for phase R <> 0)
I have used three formula fields to do this:
1: if ({PHASE}="F" and {CODE}="NAT") then {QTY} else 0
2: if ({PHASE}="R" and {Code}="NAT") then {QTY} else 0
3: if {2} = 0 then {1} else {2}
Formula fields 1 & 2 come up with the correct amounts. However formula field {3} returns both phases. For example Code "Int" Phase "R" shows as qty = 25 instead of qty = 10.
How do I get around this?
You need to group by {table.code} because this is not a one-row calculation, but needs to be a calculation over each code for 2+ phases (meaning 2+ rows of data).
Create a formula with two variables that will store the values of each phase, F and R. This formula needs to go in the Details section of the report.
numbervar Fqty;
numbervar Rqty;
if {table.phase}="F" then Fqty:={table.qty}
else Rqty:={table.qty};
Now, in the group footer, you can reference both quantity values via the variables.
numbervar Fqty;
numbervar Rqty;
if Fqty=0 then Rqty else Fqty
And you're done. Don't forget to reset the two variables in the group header so you don't carry the quantity over between different codes.

Crystal summary and percents

I have a Crystal Report v 9.2.2 and I have three summaries at the end of each group; count of IEP students, count of non-IEP students, and total number of students. For an example, for one group (a class) I have 25 students. 4 Students are IEP, 21 are non-IEP. So I tried to create a formula to calculate the percentages, but the percents are wrong.
sum({#IEP}) % count({Mytable.student_id})
Manually, the math says 4 / 25 * 100 = 16, but when I use the formula above I get 11
I don't think it's a formatting problem.
Check reset value in "Create running Total Field" for the count.
reset the count in the formula.
Your math is right, just do the same thing in the code/formula. The following works for a group based on {YourGroupField} and gives the percentage to one decimal point:
local numbervar IEPstudents := sum({#IEP},{YourGroupField}) //get number of IEP students in group
local numbervar TotalStudents := count({Mytable.student_id},{YourGroupField}) //get total students in group
local numbervar ThePercent := (IEPstudents / TotalStudents) * 100;
totext(ThePercent,1) + '%'
Alternatively, you can keep the formula numeric and add the percent symbol and formatting in the field's format editor.