How do I get a collection id for flow blockchain nft project? - onflow-cadence

I'm trying to get information about an NFT collection on the Flow blockchain using this in api docs -
I have no idea where to get the {id} it asks for. The collection I am trying to query is UFCStrike

The information you want can be found in more specifically here


How to use cosmos Tokenview API with postman?

What is blockchain API and introduce blockchain explorer?
I want to use cosmos to get Tx information via blockchain explorer.
You can use query transaction records.
At the same time can also get an APIkey registration (, after registration you can directly call API to get the data.
For example, to get a transaction, you can call this API directly: apikey={your apikey}.
It's very convenient.
enter image description here

Clio API Filter data based on nested resource

Filtering data based on a top level resource is straightforward, but what is the proper syntax for the url when attempting to filter based on a nested resource? For example, if I want to return all tasks but only for open matters, how should I enter that into the URL endpoint since the Matter Status is a nested resource under Tasks?
I do not see the method for filtering based on nested resources covered in the Clio API documentation.
As far as I understand, you can only filter by the options Clio's API provides. For example when querying a Matter, you can filter by an originating_attorney_id but not a user_id as the API doesn't provide a way to do that. You'll just have to pull in all the data and filter it in your code logic.
You can reach out to the Clio API team and ask them to add a specific filter option and see if they'll do that for you. I've found that they are at least willing to have a dialog.

How to get actual document from Clio API?

I want to create a webhook that is notified whenever a document is uploaded or changed, so that I can analyze that document for the user.
I have looked at the APIs for documents, but I don't see how to get the actual document itself.
I'm new to the API and probably missing something, do you download a document after it has been uploaded to Clio?
According to the API Documentation
The API can download a document using the following address, using the ID that was provided from your webhook:

AWS API Gateway with API keys - get usage insights

I have my public API running on AWS API Gateway, and now I want to add API keys to it, basically to see "who is using which endpoint and how many time per month/week/whatever". My API already has user management logic, with its own users db table.
The part I need help with is the analytics part - say I have this up and running, I need to be able to extract some sort of report saying, for each user (by name), how many calls were made to each endpoint. So far, the closest I've gotten was which gets me the info I need by API key. The part that I'm missing is how I could potentially cross-reference this data with my "users" database table.
I was hoping one of you had faced a similar problem and could share how you handled it.

Google Play Game Services REST api Snapshot load/commit

Anyone know if it is possible to load/commit snapshot through the Google Play Game Services REST api?
Im using this documentation:
But it only seems to allow fetching Snapshots metadata.
One of the fields of the metadata is driveId. This is the id to pass to the Drive API to read the data. See for the API information for get.