Data studio Pivot report and want to select only top 10 records - datastudio

I have a pivot table in data studio where payments per customer is displayed as Total payments per customer and also i have one more dimension to show payments per hour for the same customers . Now i want to display only top 10 customers in the report based on their total values.
I had created one pivot table in data studio and selected row dimension= customer name, column dimension= payment time and metric=sum(amount) .
want to display top to customers only based on sum(amount) is this possible ?


How to Display the Sales and Other Department Sales Seperatly on Tally

hope you all are good .I new to tally and I have a new situation ,I have provided the details below
1.we Own a supermarket and which contains some other departments as well
2.only one counter is available for this supermarket section the sales of other departments also get mixed with the total sale
Task :- when I enter this data into tally I have to show the other departments sales seperatly on balance sheet, how to achieve this
The Profit & Loss statement in Tally shows you the sales data of every Sales ledger separately. So, to have data on separate sales for separate departments, you will have to make different sales ledgers for different departments and make the entries accordingly.
If you are using combined single ledger for all sales, then you should make three ledgers now for sales of each of the three departments. If you are using sales ledger item wise or tax slab wise, then you need to create similar ledgers for every department and take care of choosing the right ledger when creating the voucher.

Crystal Reports Sum per date from 2 different reports

I have spent several hours trying to google my issue with no luck. I was wondering if anyone here would know how to do this.
I have 2 separate unrelated tables:
The first table has bank deposits(all deposits for a specific day) with the amounts example:
1/4/16 $10
1/4/16 $20
1/5/16 $15
1/5/16 $25
The second table has transactions from my billing software example:
1/4/16 $5
1/4/16 $12
1/4/16 $17
1/5/16 $22
1/5/16 $2
1/5/16 $4
I need to create a report, so that I can pull the sum for each day-
1/4/16 - first table sum: $30 - second table sum: $34
1/5/16 - first table sum: $40 - second table sum: $28
Is this possible? If so, how can I do this. I can get the sums for each table separately by using a group on the specific date field but I can not figure out how to do them both at the same time.
I you don't want to do much on database then create two sub-reports
Group data on date for both reports(Suppress details and header if you don't need them).
In both report Place Group name then First/Second table sum then Grand total Summary for your amount field.
Place both reports in front of each other and align them base line.
This will hopefully work for you if min date in both tables is same.
If min date is different then you can create a view or stored procedure to join data and just group it on date.
You can link both the tables using joins on date column and just group by date and take summary in group footer
I assume your last record will be duplicated so use running total.
Create a new running total
First select the field to summarize.
Second evaluate select radio button on every record
Third on change of your calculated field.
Suppose if you are summarizing amount field then
Filed to summarize: select amount
Evaluate: select for every record
Reset: on change of field amount

Only take up space on printed receipt if a row in a portal has a value in FileMaker

What I'm trying to do:
Print out a report that's a lists orders for a customer with a "grand total" that displays about 1 inch below the last order...whether there be 1 row, 4 rows, 10 rows, etc.
What I've done:
I have a "Customers" table and a related "Orders" table.
I created a layout (based on the "Customers" table) that will be a report I print.
I have inserted a portal to display orders and had to choose the maximum number of rows.
My question:
How do I ensure that the "grand total" will appear an inch below the last row in the Orders portal and not at the same spot on the page no matter how many orders? Right now, since I selected the number of rows in the portal as 10, someone that has 1 order will have a printout that has the one order but then a lot of whitespace before the "grand total" appears.
Portals are not print-friendly. Print your report from the Orders table, and use sub-summary parts to show customer data and sub-total.

How To EXPRESSION with WHERE " count Orders WHERE customer = Mr. Smith "?

I am a beginner in iReport and I cant program Java so I hope you can give me an idea.
I've already managed to make a chart that displays how often all customers have ordered in february, march,... etc.
Thats how I did it:
In category expression I have: $F{Month}
In value expression I have : $F{count(Orders)}
But I want to display how often only one customer (for example customer a) has ordered in february, march,... etc.
I have the following values which i can use:
Month, Orders and Customers(here are all customer names saved)
I want to display a chart which represents the total orders per month of a customer. But iam trying to display my 3 customers (my database has only 3) in only one chart (stacked).
For example(see picture above): I want to display the total orders from Customer A (yellow) in february. And I want to display the total orders from Customer B (blue) in february and the same for customer C.
The customers should be displayed stacked (3 in every month) and every customer should have a different color plus the total orders from every customer should be displayed in picture above for example:
customer A(yellow) made 3 total orders in february, Customer B(blue) made 2 total orders in february, customer C..etc.
it is very important that every month displays 3 customers...stacked.
How do I do this?
I appreciate every idea.
From what I have understood from your question, you want to show a chart which represents the total orders per month of a customer.
You need not use stacked bar graph for this purpose.
You may want to use bar graph which would serve your purpose.
If you want to see the chart per customer, create one parameter $P{customer} and pass it into your query.
Refer document iReport-Ultimate-Guide-3 on how to create parameters and to use it in queries.
select customer,month,count(orders)
from <your table>
where customer=$P{customer}
group by month
The above approach would work if you want to see the details for only one customer.
**Here is my solution after your update.**
From your update, it seems like you want to represent the total orders per month for all the customers.And you want to use stacked chart for the same.
Then what you have done is correct but have missed to add a field to your 'Series Expression'
Add your field customer to your series expression and this will resolve your problem i.e,
Series Expression : $F{customer}
Category expression : $F{Month}
Value expression : $F{count(Orders)}
This will display the chart in the format you have specified.
Create a paramter that takes your customer name $P{customerName}
and another takes month $P{month}
pass these two paramters to your sql like that
SELECT customer_name, order_count FROM customers
bla.. bla..
WHERE customer_name=$P{customerName} and month=$P{month}
then create a chart with only one serie to show one customer as one color. Not like yours with 3 colors.
Fell free to ask for more specific detail.

Access Crosstab or Form based on 2 tables with dates

There are a few answers here already that have part answered my challenge in Access but not fully.
I have 2 tables that form the basis of my database: customers and items
I have a further 2 tables; one for order quantities against customers and items (orders_a), and one for forecast quantities against customers and items (forecast_a).
forecast_a and orders_a also have a date for each customer and item combination (basically there will be 12 dates only for the 12 months of the year - 01/01/12,01/02/12,01/03/12 etc.)
Because a user will want to manually forecast quantities for a full year for each customer and each item, if there were 2 customers and 2 items, the forecast_a table would contain 48 rows. 2 items x 2 customers = 4, 4 x 12 dates = 48. The same goes for the orders_a.
I know this is a slightly unusual set up but the user requires visibility of a full year.
My main challenge based on this is as follows:
A user will want to see a form with customers in the first column, items in the second and then (like a crosstab): Jan Forecast Qty, Jan Order Qty, Feb Forecast Qty, Feb Order Qty etc.
Therefore how would I create a crosstab to pull both these tables together, and how would I go about creating a form for data entry off the back of it?
I may well be constructing my database the wrong way but the fact that the user needs a 'grid' where every entry is manual means I can't just have a form that creates a record one at a time for orders or forecasts.
Thanks in advance!
The problem you have is that this is a task that is in essence a spreadsheet task. Accordingly it may be best handled in Excel. To achieve this create an Excel object, create a blank worksheet, populate it with the data, then have a button to suck it back into the database when the user has finished.