should i use a recursive descent parser on boolean expressions to convert them to logic circuits - boolean-expression

I am making a boolean expression to logic circuit doodaa, and was wondering how exactly an expression, example !(A.(A+B))+(C.B) could be separated into two inputs for one gate i.e !(A.(A+B)) OR (C.B) and so on.
I was suggested to use a recursive descent parser, would this be the right approach or are there better alternatives. By better i mean easier to implement. Also it would be great if you could recommend some working examples of this in C# or similar, what i've seen so far I cannot understand.


Modelica I/O blocks vs. Functions

Blocks and functions in Modelica have some similarities and differences. In blocks, output variables are most likely expressed in terms of input variables using equations, whereas in functions output variables are expressed in terms of input variables using assignments. Given a relationship y = f(u) that can be expressed using both notions, I am interested in knowing which notion shall you favour in which situation?
Blocks can be better integrated in block diagrams using input/output connectors
Equations in blocks can be most likely better treated by compilers for symbolic manipulation, optimization, and evaluating analytical derivatives required for Jacobian evaluation. So I guess blocks are likely less sensitive to numerical errors in some boundary cases. For functions, derivatives are likely to be evaluated using finite difference methods, if they are not explicitly provided.
on the other hand a set of assignments in a function will be most likely treated as a single equation. The same set of assignments if expressed in terms of a larger set of equations in a block will result in a model of larger size probably leading to a decrease in runtime performance
although a block with an algorithmic section is kind of equivalent to a function with the same assignments set, the syntax of a function call is favored in couple of situations
One can establish hierarchies of blocks types and do all of sort of things of object oriented modelings. Functions are kind of limited. It is not possible to extend from a non-abstract function that contains an algorithm section. But it is possible to have (an) abstract function(s) that act(s) as (an) interface(s) out of which implemented functions can be established etc.
Some of the above arguments are dependent on the way a specific simulation environment treats a block or a function. These might be low-level details not necessarily known.
The list in your "question" is already a pretty good summary. Still there are some additional things that should be considered:
Regarding the differentiation of functions, the developer at least needs to define how often the assignments can be differentiated (here is a nice read on this), as e.g. Dymola will not do it automatically. Alternatively the differentiated function can be specified manually (here). By the way, a partial derivative can be defined as well, see Language Specification, Sec. 12.7.2.
When it is necessary to invert a function, it can be necessary to define it manually. This is described in the Language Specification, Sec. 12.8.
Also it could be important that code from a function can be inlined, which should overcome some of the issues mentioned above, see Language Specification, Sec. 18.3.
Generally I would go for blocks whenever there is no very strong reason for a function. Some that come to my mind are the need for procedural execution, or for-loops.
This is just my two cents - more opinions welcome...
You might be interested in the opposite: calling a block as if it was a function:
The advantage of using function syntax is that you don't need to declare + connect components:
Block b;
connect(x, b.in1);
connect(y, b.in2);
connect(z, b.out1);
z = Block(x, y);
Of course right now, this syntax does not exist yet. And you really want to use blocks when you can. Algorithmic blocks might as well be functions as they are shorter and easier to write and will introduce fewer trajectories in your result-file (good unless you want to debug what happens inside the function call I guess).

When to use noEvent operator in Modelica language?

The noEvent operator in Modelica doesn't use iteration to find the precise time instant in which the event was triggered.
It seems this would cause calculation error, here is an example I find on the following website
So Do I have to ensure the function is smooth when using noEvent operator?
What's the purpose of using noEvent operator if it can't ensure accuracy?
Although the question is already answered I would like to add some points, as I think it could be useful for many.
There are some common reasons to use the noEvent() statement:
Guarding expressions: This is used to prevent a function from being evaluated outside of their validity range. A typical example is der(x) = if x>=0 then sqrt(x) else 0; which would work perfectly in most common programming languages. This doesn't work always in Modelica for the following reason: When searching for the time when the condition x>=0 becomes false, it is possible that both branches are evaluated with values of x varying around 0. The same fact is mentioned in the screenshot posted by marvel This results in a crash if the square root of a negative x is evaluated. Therefore der(x) = if noEvent(x>=0) then -sqrt(x) else 0; Is used to suppress the iteration to search for the crossing time, leaving the handling of the discontinuity to the solver (often referred to as "expressions are taken literally instead of generating crossing functions"). In case of a variable step-size solver being used, this makes the solver reduce the step-size to meet it's relative error tolerance, which will likely result in degraded performance. Additionally this can be critical if the function described is not smooth enough resulting in non-precise or even instable simulations.
Continuous Expressions: When a function is continuous there is actually no event necessary. This comes down to the fact, that events are used to describe discontinuities. So if there is none, usually the event is simply superfluous and can therefore be suppressed. This is actually covered by the smooth() operator in Modelica, but the specification says, that a tool is free to still generate events. To my experience, tools generate events if the change to the function is relatively big. Therefore it can make sense to have a noEvent() within a smooth().
Avoid chattering: noEvent can help here but actually chattering is a more general problem. Therefore I'd recommend to solve issues related to chattering by re-building the model.
If none of the above is true the use of noEvent should be considered carefully.
I think the Modelica Language Specification Version 3.4 Section and Section 8.5. will help you out here (in case you have not already checked this).
From what i know it should only be used for efficiency reasons and in most cases one should use smooth() instead or in conjunction.
Based on the two different ways of dealing with the event. If using noEvent operator, there is no halt of the integration, but the numerical solver assumes that the function should be smooth, with unsmooth functions, there would be numerical errors.

MatLab compiler auxiliary variables

I was wondering, does the MatLab compiler automatically change several calls to a function on the same object to one call ?
i. e.
for i=1:length(someOtherVector)
for i=1:aSize
By-question: How is this optimization technique formally called ? I understand, for instance, the JVM does this kind of stuff.
The MATLAB JIT Compiler makes plenty of optimizations, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't do the optimization you're suggesting.
To see why, imagine that you'd written your own function called length which returned a random integer whatever its input, and put it on the path so that it shadowed the built-in length. Then your second version would not only not be an optimized version of the first, it would actually have different effects.
Indeed, if you really wanted to mess around, you could implement length so that it wrote a new file called length and put that ahead of itself on the path, so that it would have entirely different effects the next time around.
MATLAB is quite a flexible language, which has a lot of advantages, but that makes it less possible to perform the sort of static analysis on MATLAB code that these sort of JIT optimizations would require. Java is much easier to statically analyse, so the JVM can perform more optimizations.

Boolean expression simplification

I am trying to simplify a Boolean expression with exactly 39 inputs, and about 500 million - 800million terms (as in that many and/not/or statements).
A perfect simplification is not needed, but a good one would be nice.
I am aware of the K-maps , Quine–McCluskey, Espresso algorithms. However I am also aware that these mechanisms would take way too long to simplify a circuit of this size based on what I have read
I would need to simplify this expression as much as possible within a 24 hour period.
After google searching, I find it difficult to find any resources for attempting to simplify a machine of quite this magnitude! Any resources out there or a library out there that can attempt to at least simplify this to some extent within a 24 time period?
A greedy heuristic Simplify is described in the somewhat dated book
Robert K. Brayton , Gary D. Hachtel , C. McMullen , Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis
You can find the chapter online.
Simplify is based on the unate paradigm. In divide-and-conquer style, it recursively applies Shannon's expansion theorem to split the function into smaller sub-functions. The heuristic rule is to split by the most binate variable first, i.e. the variable which separates the largest number of terms.
A second approach could be to use graph partitioning tools like METIS to split the terms into independent (or at least loosely related) subsets. But I am not aware that this has been tried sucessfully for logic synthesis tasks. My favorite search engine is sceptical and does not return any hits.
A more recent algorithm based on Binary Decision Diagrams was published in
Olivier Coudert: Doing Two-Level Logic Minimization 100 Times Faster
The paper lists examples with very high number of terms similar to your task at hand.
A somewhat related simplification technique BDD Sweeping as described in A Study of Sweeping Algorithms in the Context of Model Checking.
This is a duplicate question. See for resources about logic optimization, or simplication of boolean expressions.

Converting a math expression (String) to usable variables

I am trying to make an iPhone-app that does the Monte Carlo simulation on
equations given by the user. I want the user to be able to input something like:
"2x+(y^2)" and then recieve a result.
Is there a way to parse this string and get usable variables that i can do calculations on (a library u know of perhaps)?
Take a look on compiler tools. although it might be a bit bloated, it is easy to write any "language" in it even if its just for simple mathematical expressions.