Designing an Asynchronous Down Counter (13 to 1 and reset) using JK-FF with PRN and CLRN - counter

I decided to mess around with asynchronous counters and tried to create an asynchronous down counter using FF-JK which counts from 13 to 1 and wraps around. However, I ran into various problems.
My RESET signal expression: Q0.Q1.Q2.Q3 + (Q1.Q2.Q3)' where Q0 is LSB and Q3 is MSB
My circuit is as follows:
However, when I simulated the circuit, it gave me the wrong results.
I hope I described my problem detailedly, and if there was anything I missed, please correct me. Thank you very much, and have a wonderful day.
I tried reconnecting my reset signal from PRN to CLRN and vice versa, I have also tried using T-FF, SR-FF, D-FF (the implementations were different).

I found a workaround for this problem, though, I would not consider it an optimal solution. However, it does the job now, and I look forward to receiving insights on the issues I faced.
Instead of designing the RESET signal and having the circuit loop in some undefined state, I designed a MOD-13 counter which goes through all 13 states from 0000 to 1100 and maps the output to the desired values (13 to 1 respectively).
MOD-13 counters are easier to design, as they prevent undefined states from being reached so easily, and the circuit responsible for mapping the states with the desired values are simple combinatorial circuits which are also easy to design.
Of course, there exists a much better way to do this, but I am not able to implement it at the moment. With that being said, I am always open for discussions, and I look forward to seeing what kind of error I had accumulated during implementation. Have a wonderful day!


SPI bit banging; MCP3208; Raspberry;error

I am using Raspberry Pi 2 board with raspbian loaded. need to do SPI by bit banging & interface MCP3208.
I have taken code from Github. It is written for MCp3008(10 bit adc).
Only change I made in code is that instead of calling:
adcValue = recvBits(12, clkPin, misoPin)
I called adcValue = recvBits(14, clkPin, misoPin) since have to receive 14 bits of data.
Problem: It keeps on sending random data ranging from 0-10700. Even though data should be max 4095. It means I am not reading data correctly.
I think the problem is that MCP3208 has max freq = 2Mhz, but in code there is no delay between two consecutive data read or write. I think I need to add some delay of 0.5us whenever I need to transition clock since I am operating at 1Mhz.
For a small delay I am currently reading Accurate Delays on the Raspberry Pi
...when we need accurate short delays in the order of microseconds, it’s
not always the best way, so to combat this, after studying the BCM2835
ARM Peripherals manual and chatting to others, I’ve come up with a
hybrid solution for wiringPi. What I do now is for delays of under
100μS I use the hardware timer (which appears to be otherwise unused),
and poll it in a busy-loop, but for delays of 100μS or more, then I
resort to the standard nanosleep(2) call.
I finally found some py code to simplify reading from the 3208 thanks to RaresPlescan.
I had a data logger build on the pi, that was using a 3008. The COTS data logger I was trying to replicate had better resolution, so I started looking for a 12 bit and found the 3208. I literally swapped the 3008 out for the 3208 and with this guys code I have achieved better resolution than the COTS data logger.

problems with implementation of 0000-9999 counter on fpga(seven segment)

okay i couldnt post a long comment(i am new to the website so please accept my apologies) so i am editing my earlier question. I have tried to implement multiplexing in 2 attempts:
-2nd attempt
-3rd attempt
in 2nd attempt i have tried to send the seven seg variables of each module to the module which is just one step ahead of it, and when they all reach the final top module i have multiplexed them...there is also a clock module which generates a clock for the units module(which makes units place change 2 times in a second) and a clock for multiplexing(multiplexing between each displays 500 times per second)...ofcourse i read that my board has a clock freq of 50M hertz, so these calculations for clocks are based on that figure...
in the 3rd comment i have done the same thing, in one single module. see the 2nd attempt first and then the 3rd one.
both give errors right after synthesis and lots of unfamiliar warnings.
I have been able to synthesize and implement the program in attempt4(which i am not allowed to post since my reputation is low), using the save flag for variables, variables1 variables2 and variables3(which were giving warning of unused pins) but the program doesnt run on simply shows the number 3777. also there are still warnings of "combinatorial loops" for some things that are related to some variables( i am sorry i am new to all this verilog thing) but you can see all of them in attempt 3 as well.
You can not implement counters with loops. Neither can you implement cascaded counters with nested loops.
Writing HDL is not writing software! Please read a book or tutorial on VHDL or Verilog on how to design basic hardware circuits. There is also the Synthesis and Simulation Guide 14.4 - UG626 from Xilinx. Have a look at page 88.
Now it's possible to access your zip file without any dropbox credentials and I have looked into your project. Here are my comments on your code.
I'll number my bullets for better reference:
Your project has 4 mostly identical ucf files. The difference is only in assigning different anode control signals to the same pin location. This will cause errors in post synthesis steps (assign multiple nets to one pin). Normally, simple projects have only one ucf file.
The Nexsys 2 board has a 4 digit 7-segment display with common cathodes and switchable common anodes. In total these are 8+4 wires to control. A time multiplexing circuit is needed to switch at 25Hz < f < 1kHz through every digit of your 4-digit output vector.
Choosing a nested hierarchy is not so good. One major drawback is the passing of many signals from every level to the topmost level for connecting them to the FPGA pins. I would suggest a top-level module and 4 counters on level one. The top-level module can also provide the time-multiplexing circuit and the binary to 7-seg encoding.

Implementing a priority queue in matlab in order to solve optimization problems using BRANCH AND BOUND

I'm trying to code a priority queue in MATLAB, I know there is the SIMULINK toolbox for priority queue, but I'm trying to code it in MATLAB. I have a pseudo code that uses priority queue for a method called BEST First Search with Branch and Bound. The branch and bound algorithm design strategy is a state space tree and it is used to solve optimization problems. simple explanation of what is branch and bound
I have read chapter 5: Branch and Bound from a book called 'FOUNDATIONS OF ALGORITHMS', it's the 4th edition by Richard Neapolitan and Kumarss Naimipour , and the text is about designing algorithms, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity (analysis of problems), very interesting book, and I came across this pseudocode:
Void BeFS( state_space_tree T, number& best)
priority _queue-of_node PQ;
initialize (PQ) % initialize PQ to be empty
u=root of T;
insert(PQ,v) insert(PQ,v) is a procedure that adds v to the priority queue PQ
while(!empty(PQ){ % remove node with best bound
remove(PQ,v) is a procedure that removes the node with the best bound and it assigns its value to v
if(bound(v) is better than best) % check if node is still promising
for (each child of u of v){
if (value (u) is better than best)
if (bound(u) is better than best)
I don't know how to code it in matlab, and branch and bound is an interesting general algorithm for finding optimal solutions of various optimization problems, especially in discrete and combinatorial optimization, instead of using heuristics to find an optimal solution, since branch and bound reduces calculation time and finds the optimal solution faster.
I have checked everywhere whether a solution already has been implemented , before posting a question here. And I came here to get ideas of how I can get started to implement this code
I have included this in your post so people can know better what you expect of them. However, 'ideas to get started to implement' is still not much more specific than 'how to write code in matlab'.
However, I will still try to answer:
Make the structure of the code, write the basic loops and fill them with comments of what you want to do
Pick (the easiest or first) one of those comments, and see whether you can make it happen in a few lines, you can test it by generating some dummy input for that piece of code
Keep repeating step 2 untill all comments have the required code
If you get stuck in one of the blocks, and have searched but not found the answer to a specific question. Then this is not a bad place to ask.

Who is affected when bypassing Perl safe signals?

Do the risks caused by bypassing Perl safe signals for example like shown in the second timeout example in the DBI documentation concern only the code that uses such bypassing?
The code in that example works hard to localize the change to just that section of code, or any code called from it.
There is not 100% guarantee that no code will be effected outside the code that bypasses safe signals, because signals are no longer safe. In the example the call being timed out is a DBI->connect. For most DBD's this will be implemented mostly in C, unless the C code can handle being aborted and tried again you might find that some data structures internal to the DBD, or the libraries it uses, are left in a inconstant state.
The chances of the example code going wrong is probably incredibly tiny. My personal anecdote on the issues is that I had used the traditional Perl signal handling for years before safe signals were introduced and for a long time I had never had a problem. I hadn't even been very cautious about what I did in my signal handlers. Then we managed to hit a data set that actually did trigger memory corruptions in about 1 out of ever 100 runs. Just modifying the signal handlers to use better practices, similar to those in the example, eliminated our issues.
What does that even mean? By using unsafe signals, you can corrupt Perl's internals and Perl variables. It can also cause problem if a non-reentrant C library call is interrupted.
This can lead to SEGFAULTs and other problems, and those may only manifest themselves outside the block where the timeout is in effect.

Implementing snapshot in FRP

I'm implementing an FRP framework in Scala and I seem to have run into a problem. Motivated by some thinking, this question I decided to restrict the public interface of my framework so Behaviours could only be evaluated in the 'present' i.e.:
This also falls in line with Conal's assumption in the Fran paper that Behaviours are only ever evaluated/sampled at increasing times. It does restrict transformations on Behaviours but otherwise we find ourselves in huge problems with Behaviours that represent some input:
val slider = Stepper(0, sliderChangeEvent)
With this Behaviour, evaluating future values would be incorrect and evaluating past values would require an unbounded amount of memory (all occurrences used in the 'slider' event would have to be stored).
I am having trouble with the specification for the 'snapshot' operation on Behaviours given this restriction. My problem is best explained with an example (using the slider mentioned above):
val event = mouseB // an event that occurs when the mouse is pressed
val sampler = slider.snapshot(event)
val stepper = Stepper(0, sampler)
My problem here is that if the 'mouseB' Event has occurred when this code is executed then the current value of 'stepper' will be the last 'sample' of 'slider' (the value at the time the last occurrence occurred). If the time of the last occurrence is in the past then we will consequently end up evaluating 'slider' using a past time which breaks the rule set above (and your original assumption). I can see a couple of ways to solve this:
We 'record' the past (keep hold of all past occurrences in an Event) allowing evaluation of Behaviours with past times (using an unbounded amount of memory)
We modify 'snapshot' to take a time argument ("sample after this time") and enforce that that time >= now
In a more wacky move, we could restrict creation of FRP objects to the initial setup of a program somehow and only start processing events/input after this setup is complete
I could also simply not implement 'sample' or remove 'stepper'/'switcher' (but I don't really want to do either of these things). Has anyone any thoughts on this? Have I misunderstood anything here?
Oh I see what you mean now.
Your "you can only sample at 'now'" restriction isn't tight enough, I think. It needs to be a bit stronger to avoid looking into the past. Since you are using an environmental conception of now, I would define the behavior construction functions in terms of it (so long as now cannot advance by the mere execution of definitions, which, per my last answer, would get messy). For example:
Stepper(i,e) is a behavior with the value i in the interval [now,e1] (where e1 is the
time of first occurrence of e after now), and the value of the most recent occurrence of e afterward.
With this semantics, your prediction about the value of stepper that got you into this conundrum is dismantled, and the stepper will now have the value 0. I don't know whether this semantics is desirable to you, but it seems natural enough to me.
From what I can tell, you are worried about a race condition: what happens if an event occurs while the code is executing.
Purely functional code does not like to have to know that it gets executed. Functional techniques are at their finest in the pure setting, such that it does not matter in what order code is executed. A way out of this dilemma is to pretend that every change happened in one sensitive (internal, probably) piece of imperative code; pretend that any functional declarations in the FRP framework happen in 0 time so it is impossible for something to change during their declaration.
Nobody should ever sleep, or really do anything time sensitive, in a section of code that is declaring behaviors and things. Essentially, code that works with FRP objects ought to be pure, then you don't have any problems.
This does not necessarily preclude running it on multiple threads, but to support that you might need to reorganize your internal representations. Welcome to the world of FRP library implementation -- I suspect your internal representation will fluctuate many times during this process. :-)
I'm confused about your confusion. The way I see is that Stepper will "set" the behavior to a new value whenever the event occurs. So, what happens is the following:
The instant in which the event mouseB occurs, the value of the slider behavior will be read (snapshot). This value will be "set" into the behavior stepper.
So, it is true that the Stepper will "remember" values from the past; the point is that it only remembers the latest value from the past, not everything.
Semantically, it is best to model Stepper as a function like luqui proposes.