Flush returned with error code -185: 'Local: Timed out' - apache-kafka

Getting following Error Message..
Your message could not be published. Flush returned with error code -185: 'Local: Timed out'


How to configure jasmine to logout message when expect was failed

I have a Jasmine check point to check the expect error message, and when the check point was failed, I only get the following message:
Error: Failed expectation
Question is, is there any configuration to let jasmine output the actual message?

org.hibernate.TransactionException: transaction timeout expired

I am getting while running all my test cases which is about 400. It is able to run for some tests but for 130 I am getting the error org.hibernate.TransactionException: transaction timeout expired, but when I run that specific test which has the same error then it passes. any suggestion would be welcome.
the error message is:
org.hibernate.TransactionException: transaction timeout expired at

appendMessageOperation fails when the message size is bigger?

I want to copy the sent message to Sent folder using appendMessageOperation.
When the message size is smaller(about below 3KB?) the operation finishes successfully.
But If the message is bigger, the operation gets timeout with error.
Error Domain=MCOErrorDomain Code=1 "A stable connection to the server could not be established." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=A stable connection to the server could not be established.}
Is there any limitation about appending a message?
Environment: iPhone/ios12, iCloud
It's just because of my mistake.
The instance seems to be destroyed while appendMessageOperation is working...

Why is Swift Kitura Server Not Terminating Some Threads?

I am having a somewhat reproducible problem on a Swift server I'm running. This is a multi-threaded server, using Kitura. The basics are: After the server has been running for a period of time, download requests start needing retries from the client (usually three retries). The attempts from the client result in the server thread not terminating. On the server, the download problem shows up like this in the log:
[INFO] REQUEST /DownloadFile: ABOUT TO END ...
And then the request never terminates.
The relevant fragment code in my server looks like this:
// <snip>
Log.info(message: "REQUEST \(request.urlURL.path): ABOUT TO END ...")
do {
try self.response.end()
Log.info(message: "REQUEST \(request.urlURL.path): STATUS CODE: \(response.statusCode)")
} catch (let error) {
Log.error(message: "Failed on `end` in failWithError: \(error.localizedDescription); HTTP status code: \(response.statusCode)")
Log.info(message: "REQUEST \(request.urlURL.path): COMPLETED")
// <snip>
That is, the server clearly seems to hang on the call to end (a Kitura method). See also https://github.com/crspybits/SyncServerII/blob/master/Sources/Server/Setup/RequestHandler.swift#L105
Immediately before this issue came up last time, I observed the following in my server log:
[2017-07-12T15:31:23.302Z] [ERROR] [HTTPServer.swift:194 listen(listenSocket:socketManager:)] Error accepting client connection: Error code: 5(0x5), ERROR: SSL_accept, code: 5, reason: DH lib
[2017-07-12T15:31:23.604Z] [ERROR] [HTTPServer.swift:194 listen(listenSocket:socketManager:)] Error accepting client connection: Error code: 1(0x1), ERROR: SSL_accept, code: 1, reason: Could not determine error reason.
[2017-07-12T15:31:23.995Z] [ERROR] [HTTPServer.swift:194 listen(listenSocket:socketManager:)] Error accepting client connection: Error code: 1(0x1), ERROR: SSL_accept, code: 1, reason: Could not determine error reason.
[2017-07-12T15:40:32.941Z] [ERROR] [HTTPServer.swift:194 listen(listenSocket:socketManager:)] Error accepting client connection: Error code: 1(0x1), ERROR: SSL_accept, code: 1, reason: Could not determine error reason.
[2017-07-12T15:42:43.000Z] [VERBOSE] [HTTPServerRequest.swift:215 parsingCompleted()] HTTP request from=; proto=https;
[2017-07-12T16:32:38.479Z] [ERROR] [HTTPServer.swift:194 listen(listenSocket:socketManager:)] Error accepting client connection: Error code: 1(0x1), ERROR: SSL_accept, code: 1, reason: Could not determine error reason.
I am not sure where this is coming from in the sense that I'm not sure if one of my client's is generating this. I do not explicitly make requests to my server with "/". (I do occasionally see requests made to my server from clients that are not mine-- it is possible this is one of these). Note that all except one of these log messages are coming from Kitura, not directly from my code. My log message is [INFO] REQUEST RECEIVED: /.
If I was a betting man, I'd say the above errors put my server into a state where afterwards, I see this download/retry behavior.
My only solution at this point is to restart the server. From which point the issue doesn't immediately happen.
I'm not sure if this addresses the root problem, or if it's just a work-around, but it appears to be working. With the server as stated in the question, I had been using Kitura's built-in SSL support. I have now switched to using NGINX as a front-end, and no longer use Kitura's built-in SSL support. NGINX takes care of all the HTTPS/SSL details. Since doing this (about a month ago), and with the server running for all of that intervening time, I have not experience the not terminating issue reported in this question. See also https://github.com/crspybits/SyncServerII/issues/28

DB2 Error while proccesing UNIONALL between two queries

I'm getting the following error while proccessing union all between two queries. Any suggestion of what might be the cause? I searched by the error code but don't know which error code is the cause and what might be the fix.
An error occurred while processing the results. - [jcc][t4][2030][11211][4.16.53] A communication error occurred during operations on the connection's underlying socket, socket input stream,
or socket output stream. Error location: Reply.fill() - socketInputStream.read (-1). Message: Read timed out. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001
[jcc][10120][10943][4.16.53] Invalid operation: statement is closed. ERRORCODE=-4470, SQLSTATE=null