How can I implement a kafka streams retry for a error handler using a state store? - apache-kafka

In a scenario where one would want to do retry on deserialization errors (or any kind of error for that matter), how would it be possible to link a state store to the deserialization error handler, so that we could store the offending event and later reprocess it?
I've tried to link a state store to the processorContext in the handler, with no success.
This is based on the suggestion made by #matthias-j-sax here: Kafka Streams - Retrying a message
Additionally, once we do have the event on a state store and we're able to later fetch it using a punctuation, what would a retry mean? Stream it into the initial source topic once again?

I guess I'll answer my own question here... looks like the only possible way is to forward the error message to a child processor and do the additional error processing there.
Potentially store it into a key/value state store and then with a scheduler implement the retry logic.
As for the actual retry, it gets a bit tricky, because if we're doing windowed aggregation with a custom timestamp extractor, we don't want to drop the retried event on the topic with a time that pre-dates the stream time as it will surely be dropped. So it looks like the timestamp needs to be modified before the retry.


Is the mongo timestamp type atomic with the reads?

I guess the title is confusing, but I could not find a better one.
I have an event stream in MongoDB with multiple producers and one consumer. To ensure that I read each event exactly once in the correct order, I use the MongoDB timestamp type as an incrementing value, populated by the server. In the SQL world I would probably use an auto-incremented integer.
My consumer just polls MongoDB and asks for all events since the last timestamp it has seen. In one of the environments we have realized that sometimes the consumer does not handle all events. It does not happen very often, like one of 50.000 events is missed, but ideally it should not happen at all.
My assumption is that MongoDB does something like this internally.
So it could happen that for a very short period of time an document is not available when the consumer queries the events, because only event #1, #2 and #4 is written yet and event #3 is written a fraction of a millisecond later.
I Have seen this with a C# client and MongoDB 4.2 running in Docker, but I guess the client does not matter here.
Is this assumption correct and if yes, what can I do it?
My idea is to change my consumer to ask for all events since the last timestamp minus a few seconds and then filter out the already received events in the consumer.
But is there a more elegant solution? Perhaps some way to enforce collection level write locks or could transactions help?
Since you said "consumer" - singular, I suggest:
Use a change stream to be notified of events. Change stream, if correctly iterated, will not skip changes nor will it return the same change twice.
Whenever a document is returned from change stream, when it is processed by the singular consumer, add a counter to it. Since there is only one consumer it is relatively easy to implement the counter without race conditions and such.
Also write the current resume token into each event being processed.
If you wish, you can use the counter to uniquely identify the events.
To iterate events again, use the counter to look up events in the past. Given that each event has both a counter and a resume token, once you get to the most recent event you can seamlessly transition from iterating based on the counter to iterating based on the resume token.

Avoid Data Loss While Processing Messages from Kafka

Looking out for best approach for designing my Kafka Consumer. Basically I would like to see what is the best way to avoid data loss in case there are any
exception/errors during processing the messages.
My use case is as below.
a) The reason why I am using a SERVICE to process the message is - in future I am planning to write an ERROR PROCESSOR application which would run at the end of the day, which will try to process the failed messages (not all messages, but messages which fails because of any dependencies like parent missing) again.
b) I want to make sure there is zero message loss and so I will save the message to a file in case there are any issues while saving the message to DB.
c) In production environment there can be multiple instances of consumer and services running and so there is high chance that multiple applications try to write to the
same file.
Q-1) Is writing to file the only option to avoid data loss ?
Q-2) If it is the only option, how to make sure multiple applications write to the same file and read at the same time ? Please consider in future once the error processor
is build, it might be reading the messages from the same file while another application is trying to write to the file.
ERROR PROCESSOR - Our source is following a event driven mechanics and there is high chance that some times the dependent event (for example, the parent entity for something) might get delayed by a couple of days. So in that case, I want my ERROR PROCESSOR to process the same messages multiple times.
I've run into something similar before. So, diving straight into your questions:
Not necessarily, you could perhaps send those messages back to Kafka in a new topic (let's say - error-topic). So, when your error processor is ready, it could just listen in to the this error-topic and consume those messages as they come in.
I think this question has been addressed in response to the first one. So, instead of using a file to write to and read from and open multiple file handles to do this concurrently, Kafka might be a better choice as it is designed for such problems.
Note: The following point is just some food for thought based on my limited understanding of your problem domain. So, you may just choose to ignore this safely.
One more point worth considering on your design for the service component - You might as well consider merging points 4 and 5 by sending all the error messages back to Kafka. That will enable you to process all error messages in a consistent way as opposed to putting some messages in the error DB and some in Kafka.
EDIT: Based on the additional information on the ERROR PROCESSOR requirement, here's a diagrammatic representation of the solution design.
I've deliberately kept the output of the ERROR PROCESSOR abstract for now just to keep it generic.
I hope this helps!
If you don't commit the consumed message before writing to the database, then nothing would be lost while Kafka retains the message. The tradeoff of that would be that if the consumer did commit to the database, but a Kafka offset commit fails or times out, you'd end up consuming records again and potentially have duplicates being processed in your service.
Even if you did write to a file, you wouldn't be guaranteed ordering unless you opened a file per partition, and ensured all consumers only ran on a single machine (because you're preserving state there, which isn't fault-tolerant). Deduplication would still need handled as well.
Also, rather than write your own consumer to a database, you could look into Kafka Connect framework. For validating a message, you can similarly deploy a Kafka Streams application to filter out bad messages from an input topic out into a topic to send to the DB

Event sourcing with Kafka streams

I'm trying to implement a simple CQRS/event sourcing proof of concept on top of Kafka streams (as described in
I have 4 basic parts:
commands topic, which uses the aggregate ID as the key for sequential processing of commands per aggregate
events topic, to which every change in aggregate state are published (again, key is the aggregate ID). This topic has a retention policy of "never delete"
A KTable to reduce aggregate state and save it to a state store
events topic stream ->
group to a Ktable by aggregate ID ->
reduce aggregate events to current state ->
materialize as a state store
commands processor - commands stream, left joined with aggregate state KTable. For each entry in the resulting stream, use a function (command, state) => events to produce resulting events and publish them to the events topic
The question is - is there a way to make sure I have the latest version of the aggregate in the state store?
I want to reject a command if violates business rules (for example - a command to modify the entity is not valid if the entity was marked as deleted). But if a DeleteCommand is published followed by a ModifyCommand right after it, the delete command will produce the DeletedEvent, but when the ModifyCommand is processed, the loaded state from the state store might not reflect that yet and conflicting events will be published.
I don't mind sacrificing command processing throughput, I'd rather get the consistency guarantees (since everything is grouped by the same key and should end up in the same partition)
Hope that was clear :) Any suggestions?
I don't think Kafka is good for CQRS and Event sourcing yet, the way you described it, because it lacks a (simple) way of ensuring protection from concurrent writes. This article talks about this in details.
What I mean by the way you described it is the fact that you expect a command to generate zero or more events or to fail with an exception; this is the classical CQRS with Event sourcing. Most of the people expect this kind of Architecture.
You could have Event sourcing however in a different style. Your Command handlers could yield events for every command that is received (i.e. DeleteWasAccepted). Then, an Event handler could eventually handle that Event in an Event sourced way (by rebuilding Aggregate's state from its event stream) and emit other Events (i.e. ItemDeleted or ItemDeletionWasRejected). So, commands are fired-and-forget, sent async, the client does not wait for an immediate response. It waits however for an Event describing the outcome of its command execution.
An important aspect is that the Event handler must process events from the same Aggregate in a serial way (exactly once and in order). This can be implemented using a single Kafka Consumer Group. You can see about this architecture in this video.
Please read this article by my colleague Jesper. Kafka is a great product but actually not a good fit at all for event sourcing
A possible solution I came up with is to implement a sort of optimistic locking mechanism:
Add an expectedVersion field on the commands
Use the KTable Aggregator to increase the version of the aggregate snapshot for each handled event
Reject commands if the expectedVersion doesn't match the snapshot's aggregate version
This seems to provide the semantics I'm looking for

StreamsException: Extracted timestamp value is negative, which is not allowed

This could be a duplicate of Error in Kafka Streams using kafka-node - negative timestamp, but certainly not. My Kafka Streams app does some transformation logic on each message and forwards it to a new topic. There is no time-based aggregation/processing in the app, so there is no need of using any custom timestamp extractor. This app was running fine for several days, but all of sudden the app thrown a negative timestamp exception.
Exception in thread "StreamThread-4" org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Extracted timestamp value is negative, which is not allowed.
After throwing this exception from all StreamThreads (10 in total), the app was kind of frozen as there was no further progress on the stream for several hours. There was no exception thrown after that. When I restarted the app, it started to process only the newly coming messages.
Now the question is, what happened to those messages that came in between (after throwing the exception and before restarting the app). In case, those missing messages had no embedded timestamp (Highly impossible as no changes happened in the broker and producer), isn't that the app should have thrown an exception for each such message? Or is't like the app stop the stream progress when it detects the negative timestamp in the message at first time? Is there a way to handle this situation so that the app can progress the stream, even after detecting any negative timestamp?My app uses Kafka Streams library version
Note: I can easily put up a custom timestamp extractor which can check the negative timestamp in each message, but that is a lot of unnecessary overhead for my app. All I want to understand is why was the stream not progressed after detecting a message with negative timestamp.
Even if you do not have any time based operator, a Kafka Streams application checks if timestamps returned from timestamp extractor are valid, because timestamps are used to determine processing order of records from different partitions, to ensure records are processes in-order and all partitions are consumed in an time-based aligned manner.
If a negative timestamp is detected, the application (or actually the corresponding thread) dies. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to recover from such an exception and you would need to restart your application. See also Confluent FAQs:
If your application dies and you restart it, it will resume processing where it left off. Unfortunately, in Kafka there is a bug (fixed in upcoming release 0.10.2) and in case of failure an incorrect offset can get committed and the application "steps over" some records. I assume this happened in your case, and if you have only some records with an invalid timestamp, those record might have been skipped allowing your application to resume after restart. This behavior is actually a bug -- without the bug, Kafka Stream would try to process those records with invalid timestamp again and again and fail every time until you provide a custom timestamp extractor that fixes the problem by returning a valid timestamp.
How to fix it:
The correct fix would be to provide a custom timestamp extractor that does never return an invalid (ie, negative) timestamp.
I have no explanation why you got invalid timestamps though... This is quite strange and you might want to investigate your producer setup and try to figure out if there is the possibility that your producer puts and invalid timestamp (even if this is unlikely -- I have no other idea what the root cause of the problem could be).
Further remarks:
In the next release (0.10.2), handling invalid timestamps gets simplified and Kafka Streams provides more built-in timestamp extractors that handle records with invalid timestamps differently. For example, this allows you to auto-skip records with invalid timestamps instead of raising an error (current behavior). For more details see KIP-93:

How often put() is triggered in Kafka Connect sink tasks?

Can I control the intervals at which the put() method of my Kafka Connect Sink tasks is triggered? What is the expected behavior of the Kafka Connect framework in this respect? Ideally, I would like to specify, for example, "don't call me unless you have X new records/Y new bytes, or Z milliseconds passed since the last invocation". This could potentially make the batching logic within the sink task simpler (quoting the documentation, "in many cases internal buffering will be useful so an entire batch of records can be sent at once, reducing the overhead of inserting events into the downstream data store).
Today, put from a SinkTask is only called when deliverMessages is invoked in a WorkerSinkTask. The good news is that the only time deliverMessages happens is within poll so you should have some control over how often you poll for new records by overriding consumer properties.
If you want to do internal buffering, you could have a look at how the HDFSConnector is handling this in its implementation of SinkTask. However, right now, Connect will immediately put any records that get returned by the poll.
All of that said, if you are really looking to batch messages before they hit the downstream system, you might consider looking into and which control how often flush() is invoked.