Google Spanner Postgres DB fetch Last 5 hours data - postgresql

I have a table with 3 columns Id, Data, Date.
Date has dataType timestamp with time zone.
I want to get last 5 hours created ids Query.
I tried with interval query
Select Id from table where
date > (current_date - INTERVAL '5 hour')
It is showing interval is NOT supported in postgre
How I can query to get Id for last 5 Hour


Can't extract date from milliseconds epoch postgresql

I'm querying the database (RedShift) and I have a piece of information stored in epoch MS format. Envision a table along the lines of:
Purchase, date
1, 1620140227019
2, 1620140227045
3, 1620140226573
I need to convert the timestamp to a readable date but I can't make it work with to_timestamp() or extract(). The problem is first with the size of the value (13 digits are not supported).
The closest solution I have is
select to_timestamp(1620140226573/1000, 'SS')
But the result is 0051-05-04 14:57:06. In other words month, date and seconds are correct but the year is wrong.
You can run this query
select to_timestamp(round(1620140227254/1000))
The solution was in the documentation:
SELECT timestamp with time zone 'epoch' + 1620140227019/1000 * interval '1 second' AS converted_timestamp
select '1970-01-01'::date + 1620140227019/1000 * interval '1 second'

Postgres query to get date and total amount grouped by day

I have a table Logs with fields
I need to get the sum of amount and months grouped by each day
I need to migrate my sqlite code to postgresql but i find the code migration kind of hard.The sqlite code is as follows
SELECT SUM(amount),transaction_date FROM log WHERE user_id = 1 AND strftime('%Y', transaction_date) = '2019' GROUP BY strftime('%d', transaction_date);
What i need to is date and total amount grouped by day for the year 2019
You need extract() function instead of strftime() to get the year and cast transaction_date to date only if it is timestamp, if it is of data type date remove the casting ::date:
FROM log WHERE user_id = 1 AND extract(year from transaction_date) = 2019
GROUP BY transaction_date::date

PostgreSQL select a fixed time intervals from a range of days defined in timestamp

The time data in my database is stored using timestamp. I want to select a fixed time intervals from a range of days. For example, select the tuples that has timestamp that satisfies: its time is between 2pm and 3pm, and its date is between 2015-01-01 and 2015-01-31.
SELECT * FROM data WHERE ????time???? ;
In plain English select the data that are recorded between 2pm and 3pm for January.
Any suggestions?
WHERE time_column BETWEEN date '2015-01-01' AND date '2015-01-31'
AND extract( hour from time_column ) BETWEEN 14 AND 15 ;

Select Data over time period

I'm a bit of newbie when it comes to postgres, so bear with me a wee bit and i'll see if i can put up enough information.
i insert weather data into a table every 10 mins, i have a time column that is stamped with an epoch date.
I Have a column of the last hrs rain fall, and every hr that number changes of course with the running total (for that hour).
What i would like to do is skim through the rows to the end of each hour, and get that row, but do it over the last 4 hours, so i would only be returning 4 rows say.
Is this possible in 1 query? Or should i do multiple queries?
I would like to do this in 1 query but not fussed...
Thanks guys for your answers, i was/am a bit confused by yours gavin - sorry:) comes from not knowing this terribly well.
I'm still a bit unsure about this, so i'll try and explain it a bit better..
I have a c program that inserts data into the database every 10 mins, it reads the data fom a device that keeps the last hrs rain fall, so every 10 mins it could go up by x amount.
So i guess i have 6 rows / hr of data.
My plan was to go back (in my php page) every 7, which would be the last entry for every hour, and just grab that value. Hence why i would only ever need 4 rows.. just spaced out a bit!
My table (readings) has data like this
index | time (text) | last hrs rain fall (text)
1 | 1316069402 | 1.2
All ears to better ways of storing it too :) I very much appreciate your help too guys thanks.
You should be able to do it in one query...
Would something along the lines of:
SELECT various_columns,
SUM ( column_to_be_summed )
FROM ( SELECT various_columns,
extract ( hour FROM TIME ) AS the_hour
FROM readings
WHERE TIME > ( NOW() - INTERVAL '4 hour' ) ) a
GROUP BY various_columns,
the_hour ;
do what you need?
SELECT SUM(rainfall) FROM weatherdata WHERE time > (NOW() - INTERVAL '4 hour' );
I don't know column names but that should do it the ones in caps are pgsql types. Is that what you are after?
I am not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but perhaps it may serve as a basis for adaptation.
I often have a requirment for producing summary data over time periods though I don't use epoch time so there may be better ways of manipulating the values than I have come up with.
create and populate test table
create table epoch_t(etime numeric);
insert into epoch_t
select extract(epoch from generate_series(now(),now() - interval '6 hours',interval '-10 minutes'));
To divide up time into period buckets:
select generate_series(to_char(now(),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz,
to_char(now(),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz - interval '4 hours',
interval '-1 hour');
Convert epoch time to postgres timestamp:
select timestamptz 'epoch' + etime * '1 second'::interval from epoch_t;
then truncate to hour :
select to_char(timestamptz 'epoch' + etime * '1 second'::interval,
'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz from epoch_t
To provide summary information by hour :
select to_char(timestamptz 'epoch' + etime * '1 second'::interval,
'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz,
from epoch_t
group by 1
order by 1 desc;
If you might have gaps in the data but need to report zero results use a generate_series to create period buckets and left join to data table.
In this case I create sample hour buckets back prior to the data population above - 9 hours instead of 6 and join on the conversion of epoch time to timestamp truncated to hour.
select per.sample_hour,
sum(case etime is null when true then 0 else 1 end) as etcount
from (select generate_series(to_char(now(),
'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz,
to_char(now(),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz - interval '9 hours',
interval '-1 hour') as sample_hour) as per
left join epoch_t on to_char(timestamptz 'epoch' + etime * '1 second'::interval,
'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:00:00')::timestamptz = per.sample_hour
group by per.sample_hour
order by per.sample_hour desc;

Select items where local time is ~8AM

I have a table called items. It contains a column tz with timezone identifiers (like America/New_York, Europe/London, etc).
I want to select all the items where the current time is 8AM +/- 5 minutes.
So if I run the query at 8AM EST it will return rows where tz = 'America/New_York'.
If I run the query at 9AM EST it will return rows where tz = 'America/Chicago'.
FROM items
WHERE CAST(current_timestamp at time zone tz AS time) BETWEEN '07:55' AND '08:05'
You should be storing the offset for each timezone. Then the query is as simple as
select * from items where GETDATE() between
I'm using SqlServer GETUTCDATE and DATEADD functions, but you can easily make them work in postgresql if you lookup the correct function names.
If you can't add a offset to the table, create a timezone table with the string timezone and numeric offset. Join and run the above query.
Your tz field is valid if it respects this:
If so, I think this should work (no tested):
FROM items
(LOCALTIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz) - interval '5 minutes' AND
(LOCALTIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE tz) + interval '5 minutes'