What's the Best Way to Develop a Simple and Affordable App to Break Into the Industry? [closed] - frameworks

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I'm a former professional software developer. I've been out of programming (doing ecommerce and marketing) for nearly 20 years, and I'd like to try getting back into software development.
I'm looking for advice on how to create a very basic and simple but useful application that I can own and promote. I'm hoping that this app will serve as a proof of concept for building more advanced apps. I'd like to be able to publish the app on my website and also make it available for iPhone and Android users through the respective app stores.
Does anyone have advice on how to do this?
Specifically, I'm trying to answer these questions:
What is the best, easiest language and framework to use for building a simple web or mobile application?
Any suggestions on what kind of utility the app should provide: e.g. calculator, weather update, unit converter, crypto, etc.?
Thanks in advance.
In 2000, I was the lead developer (pretty much the only developer for the first six months) for a company called Communitect. We were one of the first companies to create apps that used text messaging for bank transactions. We wrote most of the code in Java with a MySQL database, and our code ran on Apache Tomcat.
The company struggled because we were a bit ahead of the curve and ended up chasing a lot of squirrels.
I'm not looking to do something so innovative this time. I'd like to just make my own version of a digital mousetrap and see how the process works for building up its popularity.


Which content management to choose when developing is crucial [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been evaluating DNN over a few months. It has it´s pros and cons. I find it hard to evaluate systems by reading articles and don´t have time to check them all on my own.
What are your general feeling about this?
As my background is with .net, which system would you choose?
Also, does anybody know if these pages at stack overflow is based on a CMS and if so which?
Since everyone would rather spend more time criticizing your post than answering it, I'll give it a shot.
You have a few options with building a portal. Either go with an established, open source portal (like DNN), look into some paid solutions or build your own.
Open Source - I've worked with DNN and MojoPortal. DNN is a little slower and has a few more requirements to develop skins and modules, but it has A LOT more features and some of the free/paid modules are really cool. Overall, DNN wins here, but if you don't need a large portal and you want to keep development really simple, MojoPortal might be better. MojoPortal has a few nice features that makes it easier to configure.
Open Source (Other) - There are tons of them out there. Orchard is one I'm thinking of because I'm interested in MVC. But, it's still young in terms of features and support.
Umbraco - I can't really speak to this because I have not used it, but it does have some popularity.
Build it - This is an option and allows the most flexibility, but it takes a lot of time and so many features that are built into these portals could be left out. Role based access, page management, page/module permissions, downloadable modules, profile/profile properties, file management, skinning, acct management, menu management, event logs, etc
I left out non .NET solutions like ones based on PHP, Grails, etc because you are a .NET developer. There is plenty out there, but sticking to .NET will help speed your development up.... unless you are just wanting to learn something new.
Hope this helps.

iPhone development tools and languages [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to build an iPhone application with very rich user interface. I learnt Obj-C. I wanted to know what all technologies/languages I need to know further for developing such kind of apps.
What are the recent technologies used to develop iphone apps?
Please let me know.
I have done Google for you, really very tough task to do it
Start with
video tuorials from youtube of standford university:-
Then you can start with
You can read apple docs,its very simple and good
How to develop iphone app
Xcode provides tools to manage your entire development workflow—from creating your app and designing your user interface, to testing, optimizing, and shipping your app to the App Store. You can customize Xcode to suit your style of working, keeping you focused on the task at hand.
Objective-C is an elegant object-oriented language that powers all iOS apps. You write Objective-C code to create your app, and you need to understand this language in order to use most application frameworks. Although you can use other languages for development, you can’t build an iOS app without Objective-C.(But we can use Apache cordova(phonegap) for developing non native app )

what the technology to create a real time application? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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i wanna to know what the technology must i do when i want to create an application like:
real time application ?
multiplayer in game ?
sometimes i'm read this article keep alive.
what is that support in socket TCP ?, i'm already read server push but is many example work under HTTP, how about in TCP like create a socket TCPServer and TCPClient.
There isn't just one "go-to" technology for making real-time / multiplayer gaming applications. You have to understand a multitude of different programming realms like graphics manipulation, threading, networking(TCP,etc). I would say it would be good for you to pick up a book on game development and design at your local library, bookstore or on the web. You also want to decide where and how you want to run the game. If you are going for a desktop application you are probably going to want to use a language like Java or C++/C#. For web applications Java and Flash are historically the way to go, and there is even a growing case for games written primarily in javascript (presumably with a .NET/PHP back-end).
If you want to jump right in you might try a framework like Unity which I believe is based on Microsoft's .NET framework. This tool has a lot of things built into it which would help you get started.
I know that is not a lot of specific information but hopefully it points you in the right direction.

How long/how much did it cost to develop iPhone SDK & App Store [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Possible Duplicate:
How much does it cost to develop an iphone application?
Hope somebody can help. I have been googling trying to get an indication of how long it took apple to develop the AppStore & the iPhone SDK?
My Co. have had an idea to try and do a similar thing internally for our own apps and massively underestimating the amount of work that will be required.
If anybody has any idea how long Apple spent developing the SDK & AppStore, links to any pages even better, I would be very grateful for the info so that I can use that for discussion about the plans.
Well apple has hundreds of trained engineers working for them, even still at launch, Steve Jobs said the iPhone took around 6 years to create. Along this time frame they were creating the iPhone SDK which they used to create all the apps built in to the phone. Since then they have been constantly updating the SDK several times a year, expanding a lot. The App Store, my guess is that they used the robust iTunes base they already had for distribution, and then all the rest (legal and technical) things should have taken no time at all.
I'm not sure what your company wants to do but it seems without Apple's resources you'd be better off not.

How to write a WOL app for iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Wake on LAN so cool, just want to write a iPhone app to WOL my PC, but have no idea to code, any one can point me the way?
If you've no experience of programming, then this is a very large first step. (More of a sheer vertical incline really.)
As such, you might want to take a step back and have a look a some basic (or indeed BASIC) programming tutorials. (Google is your friend.)
Alternatively, Apple has good online documentation regarding Objective C and the Cocoa (the language and framework that iPhone applications are written in.) A good place to start for this would be Apple's Introduction to The Objective-C Programming Language.
Basically you need to send a magic packed as described here, to do that you'll need basic programming knowledge and some knowledge on socket programming, here is a good book on the subject. There are numerous examples of that.
But in the end perhaps I could persuade you to purchase one of several iPhone applications that do exactly that, or grab the free one?
You'll need an understanding of bsd sockets as well as the user interface kit framework to put the necessary controls on the screen.
Or of course download an existing free app like this one which does it already, automatically detects your mac address, and also tells you whether your machines are on or off:
All the best for your projects.